Lan Xi looked over and saw that Zhu Changsheng's expression was different, and he knew that he must know the Ouyang family and the two families of the Chen family. "Brother Zhu, I just saw through the memory of the evil spirit's remnant soul that the Ouyang family and the Chen family are artificially refining evil thoughts."

"It's just that the evil spirit's will was very strong before he was alive, and he escaped midway, and didn't let the Ouyang family and the Chen family succeed in refining.

After a pause, he went on to say: "In order to retaliate, he summoned all kinds of evil spirits to perfect himself. The purpose is to avenge these two families."

"Huh!" Zhu Changsheng's eyes cooled down, and he said contemptuously: "These two clowns dare to do these little tricks in Zhu Yanguo."

At the beginning, Luo Xiaoman, for Chen Muyu's sake, released the next life of the Chen family and exiled it to the frontier. I thought that these guys didn't dare to be a demon after suffering a loss, who knew that after this year, they started to make noise again.

This time it was not only the Chen family, but even the Ouyang family.

Heh, it turns out that Ouyang's family left Qinhuai City at that time, not because they were afraid, but because they wanted to be a demon in another place!

"Brother Zhu, this evil creature is also a poor person. If you can, please help him fulfill his wish." Lan Xi sighed and said quietly, "We Luo Xuanzong, it is inconvenient to intervene in mundane matters."

"Understood." Zhu Changsheng nodded, then changed the conversation, wondering: "Junior Brother Lan, now the evil is resolved, are you going back?"

Hearing what he said, Lan Xi's expression was solemn, shook her head, and said, "We will not go back for the time being."

As he said, he glanced at the gloomy sky and said firmly: "Our main purpose of going down the mountain this time is not to deal with these evil things."

Zhu Changsheng's heart trembled and realized Lan Xi's true purpose.

It seems that not only him, but also other people are also concerned about Luo Xiaoman.

Thinking of this, the corners of Zhu Changsheng's lips rose slightly, and his heart was dark. Little master, do you see it? You are not alone in this disaster.

In a small town in the frontier, Ouyang Hao and Chen Mufeng listened to the report with a gloomy expression.

"Oh, it's really interesting! At this moment, a Luo Xuanzong appeared, and it actually got rid of the evil spirits that we had half refined." Ouyang Hao curled his lips and sneered. He who was smiling but not smiling, his eyes revealed The gloomy cold light.

"Patriarch Ouyang, do we want to hide?" Chen Mufeng squinted at him, and said solemnly: "This time it is not only Luo Xuanzong, but also Zhu Changsheng. Once he learns that this evil monster is ours. ,I am afraid……"

"Don't worry." Ouyang Hao waved his hand and said dismissively: "We did it very secretly. Unless the evil confessed himself, no one knows that we did it. What I am struggling with is that this year's Efforts are in vain."

Chen Mufeng's brows raised lightly, and a wave of anxiety lingered in his heart, as if he had felt exactly the same before the accident in the Chen family.

Although Ouyang Hao was very sure that no one would know the inside story, he did not think so after suffering a big loss.

"Patriarch Ouyang, let's hide for a while." Chen Mufeng said coldly: "What's more, it won't be long before the nine-fold thunder tribulation will come and destroy Luo Xiaoman. As long as Luo Xiaoman is annihilated by the heavenly tribulation, we will Can rise again."

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