The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 1410: Shovel Ouyang's home

"Vice-General Liu, there are many soldiers." Zhu Changsheng raised his hand, his whole body exuded a heroic spirit, and his eyes, which were as dark as jewels, were deep and bright. "Today, let us get rid of the evil of Ouyang's family."


Suddenly, many soldiers drove their horses and rushed to kill Chao Luoxia Town.

When the enchantment rose, the villagers of Luoxia Town were trapped, and they didn't know what happened, but Ouyang Hao, who was about to withdraw from the Ouyang family mansion, was stunned.

He knows what this enchantment means?

This is to completely cut off their Ouyang family's escape route!

"Master?!" Zhan Tai Shuilin turned around and looked at Ouyang Hao in horror. She felt that this time was different, and Ouyang's family would face the danger of extermination.

"Don't be afraid!" Ouyang Hao sank and said to Zhan Tai Shuilin quickly: "You take Xuhua to hide, and I take the family members to fight for a chance to break through. As long as there is a flaw in the barrier, you will immediately rush out."

"Master, what about you? And what should Fang Hua do?" Zhan Tai Shuilin's charming face was full of worry.

"Don't worry about us." Ouyang Hao shook his head and said firmly: "Anyway, we must preserve the blood of the Ouyang family. Also, you are the eldest lady of the Zhantai family, and I believe that you have the shelter of the Zhantai family. It is impossible for Zhu Yanguo to kill him all."

Where is this an order, it is clearly to explain what is going on!

"Father!" At this moment, Ouyang Fanghua rushed over and said solemnly: "We can't leave."

"I know." Ouyang Hao nodded, staring coldly at that enchantment. "Unexpectedly, Zhu Changsheng did this step in order to destroy my Ouyang family, but I was careless."

"Father, we still have a chance." Ouyang Fanghua squinted his eyes and took out a black jade charm.

When he saw this jade symbol, Ouyang Hao's eyes lit up, and he looked at Ouyang Fanghua suspiciously. "Success?"

"Yes!" Ouyang Fanghua's eyes flashed a severe cold light. "If it's really a dead end, even if it's an incomplete evil idea, it can at least fight for us a ray of life."

"Okay!" Ouyang Hao patted Ouyang Fanghua on the shoulder, and said excitedly: "As expected of my good son. This battle is up to you!"

Zhan Tai Shuilin didn't want to hold her back, and immediately took Ouyang Xuhua and chose a place near the edge of the barrier to hide.

Her heart hung, holding Ouyang Xuhua's hand, secretly praying for Ouyang Hao and Ouyang Fanghua.

Soon, Zhu Changsheng led the army, broke into the enchantment, and set foot in Luoxia Town.

The townspeople, who had originally looked confused, couldn't help being confused when they saw this army.

"This prince was ordered to hunt down Ouyang's family, and other unrelated people, etc., quickly avoided, so as not to accidentally hurt them." Zhu Changsheng swept around the crowd and gave a cold shout.

Suddenly, many townspeople returned home one after another, closed the door, and did not dare to appear.

"All the soldiers listen to the order and slay the Ouyang family for me. As long as the people of the Ouyang family will kill you without mercy!" With this order, the soldiers dispersed and drove towards the Ouyang family mansion.

In order to prevent the Ouyang family from hiding in other people's homes, they also searched one by one, and must take all the Ouyang family down.

Seeing the soldiers approaching gradually, Ouyang Hao gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice: "Fang Hua, we can't sit and wait for death. If they are allowed to search like this, I'm afraid they will find your mother and brother. Then, we Will be wiped out."

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