The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 1415: Those who desperately want to guard!

"Hey, what's so controversial about this!" Bai Hang onlookers slammed the melon seeds and said lazily: "You two are very eloquent, and at the same time come up with this ultimate move!"

"Who knows him well?!" Zhi Wu and Hu Yanxiu shouted in unison. Suddenly, the two of them were stunned and looked at each other again, one with violent eyes, hiding the flames, and the other with calm eyes hiding the coldness.

"Tsk tusk, isn't this a kind of heart?" Bai Hang said without fear.

"Yes! Yes! Whether it is the time of exit or the form of the ultimate move, it is too coincidental!"

"Why do I think Zhiwu senior is a good match for Xiu senior?"

Suddenly, a female student said this sentence inexplicably, and immediately attracted the attention of the surrounding people eating melons.

"Uh, me, I'll just talk about..."

"No, you are right! I also think it matches well!"

For a while, everyone's eyes shone brightly, especially the female students, one by one began to fantasize about combining Zhiwu and Hu Yanxiu together.

While many students were eating melons and watching the show, Ji Wuya was holding a chicken leg in one hand and a handful of melon seeds in the other, leaning lazily on a big tree, watching the movement here.

He came to the theater first, and secondly, to prevent Zhi Wu and Hu Yanxiu from making trouble.

"Elder Ji!"

"Um, deputy dean, why are you here?" Ji Wuya squinted at the person, grinning, and said: "Come on, share your seeds."

"Hmph, you are the elder of the academy anyway, why did you follow Elder Luo's evil spirits and watched a show while eating melons?" Tong Ming frowned and said with a serious face: "If this evil spirit is taken Get up, the rigorous image of our Sheng Academy is going to be gone."

"Oh, why bother with so much?" Ji Wuya waved his hand, and said dismissively: "They are all here to practice. If you are in a boring practice and have more fun, why not do it?"

"That's how it is said, but..."

"Come on!" Ji Wuya rolled his eyes, took a bite of a chicken leg, and bulged: "Are you sure you don't want melon seeds?"

"No!" Tong Ming let out a cold snort, suddenly raised his hand, took out a handful of melon seeds, and said lightly: "I have the latest melon seeds that I just got from the mouse!"

"I'm going!" Ji Wuya widened his eyes, then pursed his lips, and said depressedly: "You guys with different appearances!"

"Hehe, isn't this what you said?" Tong Ming knocked a melon seed and said triumphantly: "Why don't you have more fun after practicing? I was just having fun too!"

"Yes, but you are entertaining me!" Ji Wuya said depressedly.

"Speaking of it." Tong Ming frowned, staring at the front of Zhi Wu and Hu Yanxiu's exchanges, and said: "Zhi Wu and Hu Yanxiu have improved their strengths this time!"

"Yeah." Ji Wuya nodded, his face also put away a stubborn look, and said in a deep voice: "In just one year, one of them hit the eighth floor of the Yuan Ying period, and the other reached the eighth floor of the Yuan Ying period. Layer, it's really not easy!"

"How did they do that?"

"Do you need to ask?" Ji Wuya hooked his lips, looked at the dim sky, and said solemnly: "There is a person in their hearts who is desperate to guard!"

Tong Ming's pupils shrank, and it became clear in his heart that he naturally knew who Ji Wuya was talking about? "You said, did she come back?"

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