The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 1417: Rush to the place of wrath

Seeing her is like seeing my dead daughter, and that smile is affecting my heart that has been silent for a long time.

Xiaoman is his daughter!

She is like a little sun, expelling the darkness he hid and warming the body and mind.

"Uncle Tujia!!" At this moment, there was a loud shout from the ground, and a huge flame monster appeared.

Zhi Wu leaped, jumped up, and shouted in a low voice: "Let's go to the land of scourge!"

"Roar!!" Tu Jia yelled, then rushed out, toward the place where the thunder was shining.

"Ice Lion!!" Hu Yanxiu was unwilling to be left behind. After summoning the Ice Lion, he rushed over.

Seeing these two figures flying out, Hu Yanling shook his head and said with a wry smile: "It seems these little guys are more motivated than us!"

"What are we waiting for?" Ji Wuya swallowed the chicken leg in his hand, but because he ate too quickly, he almost didn't choke. "Ahem, I, we..."

"Come over!!" Tong Ming took his words, and then moved towards the place where the thunder was shining.

"Go!" Ye Canglan's eyes flashed with a firm divine light, and he grabbed Ji Wuya and followed.

"Hahaha! Majesty, let's set off too." Hu Yanruofeng laughed and said with a faint smile: "It's been a long time since I saw Xiaoman, and I don't know if she has grown taller? I just made a batch of sticks here. Sugar, haven’t seen her in a year, I guess she’s all finished eating lollipops, right?"

After all, his figure flew out like a sword beam.

"Xiaoman! Big godfather is coming!" Zhu Yingtian curled the corners of his lips, his figure moved, like a golden dragon catching him.

Hu Yanling shook his head. Even though this matter had nothing to do with him, the old man had gone, so why did he not go?

Of course, in the eyes of others, their absence is not salvation, but suicide.

However, they were still indomitable, still rushing to the land of scourge.

They just want to do their utmost to protect the little guy who broke into their hearts at no time.

Seeing all the big guys rushing to the land of the scourge, Bai Hang, Huang Lin, and other students who were once Luo Xiaoman's disciples were also excited.

"We will pass too!"


"Nothing!" Bai Hang swept the crowd around, and said solemnly: "I only know that it is Xiaoman's instructor. She is facing difficulties now, and we must give our full support!"

"Bai Hang, how do I think you are a special man today?" Huang Lin curled the corners of his lips, patted Bai Hang's shoulder, and smiled: "In the future, I won't call you a sissy!"


"Where are you going?"

"Land of Scourge!"

For a time, the entire Qinhuai City and Luo Xiaoman related people were paying attention to this disaster!

They knew that this was a mortal disaster, but they kept praying in their hearts that the petite figure could survive it.

The sky thunder flickered and the black cloud rolled, as if hiding a hideous demon inside, poking out his head at any time, swallowing that petite figure on the ground.

On the ground, she wore a red skirt with a collar and a bright red color. In such an atmosphere, she was so eye-catching and dazzling. Even if she was small, she could not be ignored.

Her pretty face, rosy and tender, without the slightest panic, some are calm and calm, with a ponytail **** with a red rope, constantly shining and swinging in this murderous wind. .

However, she is not alone!

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