"Teacher Xiaoman, we are here!!" At this time, headed by Bai Hang, many disciples from the Holy Academy rushed over.

The moment they saw Luo Xiaoman, their eyes were so hot that they were about to cry. They hadn't seen it for so long, and they missed it very much. No matter how cruel Tian Lei was, they couldn't shake their determination to guard.


Boom! !

Before Luo Xiaoman finished speaking, there was a roar, and the thunder in the sky seemed to be uncomfortable with Luo Xiaoman's reunion with everyone, and thunder poured down angrily.

This thunder, containing infinite power, with an aura of destruction, rushed towards Luo Xiaoman angrily.

Luo Xiaoman's pupils shrank, and he turned around abruptly, clenched his small fists, his body was filled with a bitter power, and his armor exuded a dazzling light.

"Hmph, I want to bully my little princess. Have you ever asked me if I promised?" At this moment, Zhu Yingtian took the lead and took out the dragon veins without hesitation. He yelled and said: "Nine Heavens Dragon Yin!!"

Suddenly, the dragon vein was thrown out, and it instantly turned into a golden dragon, rushing towards the thick thunder.

what? !

Luo Xiaoman's pupils shrank, and he watched this scene with shock.

The dragon veins are the treasure of Zhu Yanguo, but Zhu Yingtian directly sacrificed the dragon veins in order to help her block this thunder.

"Roar!!" Long Yin shook the sky, and Jin Long snaked and hit the thunder.


The force of horror agitated and radiated to the surroundings, almost sweeping away and annihilating everything around.

"Hold it for me!!" Zhu Yingtian frowned, desperately urging the power of the dragon veins to offset this thunder.

However, Thunder's mighty power was unparalleled, and Jin Long's body broke apart every inch under his impact.

"Not good!" Hu Yan Ruofeng's pupils shrank and exclaimed: "Even the dragon veins cannot stop this thunder."


"Minor repairs!"

At almost the same time, Zhi Wu and Hu Yanxiu looked at each other, and the two of them greeted each other shoulder to shoulder.

"Red Lotus Burns the Sky!"

"The ice lotus seals the sky!!"

Along with the burning dance, there was a violent shout from Hu Yanxiu, the soil worm, and the ice lion broke out with a hot, and ice-cold power, forming a red lotus and ice lotus in the air.

The two lotus flowers, one red and the other blue, exude diametrically opposite auras.

"Xiao Wu, Xiu, your power attributes are mutually restrained..."

Tong Ming just wanted to remind that to prevent Zhi Wu and Hu Yanxiu from using his ultimate move, these two incompatible ultimate moves suddenly collided and evolved into a brand new ultimate move.

"Xiaoxiuxiu, I'm sure you didn't copy me." Zhi Wu glanced at Hu Yanxiu, and said with a smile: "We really have a good heart!"

"Huh, stop talking nonsense!" Hu Yanxiu snorted coldly, narrowed his eyes, and then said in unison with Zhi Wu: "Peerless Qinglian!!!"


The red lotus and ice lotus merged and turned into a green lotus, with two different breaths, and hit the thunder.


With the support of the peerless Qinglian, Long Mai slowed down a bit, but it was still a lot worse to resist this thunder.

"Let's shoot together!!" Bai Hang yelled out loudly, and then combined with other colleges of the Holy Academy to punch a force in.

"Teacher Xiaoman, be optimistic, we are definitely not your burden!" Zhi Wu shouted, that red hair was particularly dazzling at this moment, just like his hot heart.

Suddenly, Longmai and Qinglian received their strength support, and their power suddenly exploded.

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