The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 1428: It's numerous fun to fight the destiny!

"Everyone, don't froze, hurry up and support Qingshen." Luo Qingyi reacted, let out a low cry, and took the lead to inject his strength into the battle.

Immediately, everyone reacted and poured their strength into this formation.

With the infusion of everyone's power, the door of Luo Sheng's triple door finally slowly opened a gap, but still couldn't fully open it.

If this continues, I am afraid that Luo Sheng's triple gate will not be able to withstand the impact and be completely shattered.

"Everyone, let's support the past." Hu Yan Ruofeng frowned and said solemnly.

"Okay! We are almost recovered and can continue to fight!" Ji Wuya nodded, and then rushed over with a movement.

At this moment, Elder Feng led many instructors of the Holy Academy and rushed over.

They saw the current situation clearly and poured their strength into the formation to make the formation stronger.

"Hahaha, it's so enjoyable!!" Ye Canglan couldn't help but let out a long scream as everyone worked together to fight the catastrophe. "Fighting against the sky is endless fun!!"

"Patriarch Ye, I love to hear your words!" Hu Yanling smiled and also supported the past.

When everyone heard this sentence, their minds trembled, and they were surging.

That's right!

Their current enemy is not anyone, but this heavenly way, which is still the most terrifying ninefold thunder tribulation.

As long as they can hold the nine thunder tribulations, each of them will be recorded in the annals of history.

Seeing everyone working together to fight the catastrophe for her, Luo Xiaoman's eyes flashed with a trace of tears. This was a scene that had never happened before.

Luo used to be frivolous, had few friends, and fought alone. Under the siege of the gods and Buddhas, he fell desolately.

Now, Luo Xiaoman, she has gathered countless friends, and these friends are not lack of some former enemies and some close friends.

They are going all out to block the sky thunder for her.

"How can I let you down?" Luo Xiaoman stepped forward, just about to take a shot and join the battle, but was held back by Mo Yuan.

Luo Xiaoman looked at Mo Yuan, his deep eyes were so charming, giving her a sense of speechless security.

"Xiaoman, it's not the time for you to take action." Mo Yuan swept the crowd around, and said lightly: "You just need to watch in silence and watch them fight for you to the last moment."

Luo Xiaoman's mind tightened and understood Mo Yuan's meaning. She has always been in the forefront to shield these people from the wind and rain.

At this moment, they also wanted to rush to the front of her to shelter her from wind and rain.

Regardless of success or failure, I just want to do my best to protect the people they desperately want to protect.

Luo Xiaoman clenched his fists, took a deep breath, calmed down the fluctuations in his heart, and muttered: "I understand! I will take a good look."

She glanced at the sky again, her tone becoming sharp. "The supreme old thief, have you seen it? I am not alone now."

Not far from this place of scourge, two stalwart figures are staring at the madness here.

"Oh, all the ants want to shake the world?" The speaker was covered by a hazy light, and he couldn't see his appearance, but his voice was like a lark, very pleasant to the ear.

"Master Qingcang, they can actually withstand the fourth sky thunder, this..." Xuan Youlin, dressed in Qingyi, frowned and said with a worried expression.

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