"Heh, it's interesting." The Lord Qingcang who has been watching the show played with the tea cup in his hand, and said in a funny voice like a lark, "It seems that Luo Xiaoman has not been idle during the period of disappearance. Ah! Even the twin souls were met by her, this luck even I have to take."

"Lord Qingcang, why don't we do anything?" Xuan Youlin frowned, looked at the morale of the crowd, worried: "Although under the ninefold thunder tribulation, Luo Xiaoman will undoubtedly die, but let her So arrogant..."

"You Lin, I know you can't understand Luo Xiaoman's arrogance. But don't worry, I won't let her be so arrogant." The Lord Qingcang took a sip of tea and then gently raised his hand. The exposed five fingers are as smooth and slender as white jade, so people can't take their eyes away when they look at them.

However, on such smooth fingers, there was a gloomy breath, and he quickly swept towards Chen Mufeng ahead.

At this time, Ouyang Fanghua looked at Chen Mufeng who had been imprisoned with a stunned look.

The evil thoughts that their Ouyang family worked so hard to refine, have experienced the baptism of the nine thunder tribulations, but they were still easily suppressed.

He could not accept this result!

"Chen Mufeng, are you moving!!" Ouyang Fanghua gritted his teeth and shouted in a low voice: "Aren't you going to take revenge? Now the enemy is right in front of you. Are you so capable?"

"Resentment, resent me desperately, and release all the hatred in my heart."


Chen Mufeng howled in rage again and again, a pair of hollow eyes pulsed with two faint blue flames, constantly impacting the battle.

However, under the restraint of Ming Chan's twin souls, his power could not be released at all, as if he was chained.

"It's amazing!" Lan Xi looked at Chen Mufeng who was suppressed by Jin Mang, and said in disbelief: "Although our vajra can restrain evil thoughts, it does not have such a powerful restraint effect. Now Chen Mufeng is like a flame. Going up to the magnificent lake, it was suppressed to death."

It's not that Chen Mufeng is weak, but that Ming Chan's talent completely overcomes him.

"You do your best to inspire the battle, wait for me to kill him." Ming Chan yelled, and then his figure moved, like a golden sharp blade, and shot at Chen Mufeng.

Chen Mufeng screamed, just about to escape, but after being suppressed, his hands and feet became uncomfortable and he was hit by Ming Chan.

Suddenly, his body trembled suddenly, the black energy on his body dimmed again, and his aura weakened by several points.

"Huh, it's not over yet! Dark Thunder Curse!!" Ming Chan yelled again, raised his hand and waved a blue spell.

Suddenly, the spell exploded away from Ali, and black thunders, like black snakes, rushed towards Chen Mufeng.

Chen Mufeng screamed again and again, unable to struggle, and completely lost the power of the transformation just now.

Whether it was before or after becoming evil thoughts, he was like a bereaved dog, being trampled underfoot.

He is not reconciled!

However, no matter how resentful he was, the raging resentment in his body could not be vented out, and it was firmly suppressed by Ming Chan's golden light.

"Unexpectedly, Xiaoman actually accepted such a powerful little brother." Hu Yan Ruofeng looked over and felt the power of Ming Chan, and couldn't help but smile: "She really looks like a warm sun, attracting talents all the time. The enchanting evildoer took the initiative to get closer."

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