Luo Xiaoman was shocked!

Ling Tian's seemingly understatement showed an incomprehensible detail.

It was as if he had anticipated Mo Yuan's actions, and then dodged at the most appropriate time, coupled with his ability to spy on Mo Yuan's mental activities just now, it is enough to show that this old man is very evil.

"Back then, you were respected and injured by the Supreme Immortal, and you were dying. I saved you." Ling Tian sighed and said sadly: "So, I am your savior! How can you attack the savior? "

Mo Yuan is messy!

His life was really saved by Ling Tian?

Luo Xiaoman glanced at Mo Yuan in a daze, without interrupting his thoughts. However, having said that, she felt the deepest about Ling Tian's words.

When she saw Mo Yuan's past memories, she was indeed hurt by the Supreme Immortal's respect, sealed her power, and put a curse.

If you analyze it according to the situation at the time, it is impossible for Mo Yuan to pretend to be the Supreme Immortal Venerable and bless her, and it is impossible for Mo Yuan to appear by his side as Mo Yuan.

All this, there is a person who directs all this.

And he is probably the old man in front of him!

"You sent Yuan to my side?" Luo Xiaoman's eyes rolled and came to this conclusion.

"Tsk tsk, little guy, really smart." Ling Tian raised his eyebrows, admiringly said: "The Demon Lord was indeed sent to you by me. Of course, why did he become like this, and what is my purpose? I can't tell you now!"

"Asshole old man!" Luo Xiaoman's figure moved, swinging a big hammer, and smashing towards Ling Tian heavily. "I will hammer you!"

Ling Tian curled the corners of his lips and did not move, but slowly raised a finger and muttered: "Little girl, you should look like a little girl. It's unreasonable to fight and kill all day long. "


The big hammer fell, but was blocked by Ling Tian's outstretched finger.

The terrifying power agitated, did not shake him back, only moved his gray sideburns.


The piano sounded for a while.

Mo Yuan set up the guqin of colored glaze, waved the strings, and played a fierce memorial song.

"Hey, I said Demon Venerable, is this your attitude towards the lifesaver?" Ling Tian shook his head, then snapped his fingers again.

Suddenly, Mo Yuan's hand shook slightly, and the strings quivered under this snapped finger, and at the same time a backlash struck him, shaking him back several steps.

A blood stain slipped from the corner of his lips!


Luo Xiaoman's heart trembled, and he quickly supported Mo Yuan.

"I'm fine." Mo Yuan shook his head, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and stared at Ling Tian coldly. "We are not his opponents."

From the hammer contact just now, Luo Xiaoman also understood that this Ling Tian's power was too weird.

His momentum is not strong, but he has mastered an inexplicable power. He will always find the best counter-attack at the most appropriate time to defeat them.

"Don't be surprised, these are all routine operations!" Ling Tian grinned, raised his hand and pressed it down, looking calm and calm. In Luo Xiaoman's eyes, he was very awkward.


"Heh, don't fight!" Luo Xiaoman spread his hands, simply sat down, took out the lollipop, and said lazily: "I can't win anyway, I'm too lazy."

Mo Yuan was startled slightly, glanced at the playful Luo Xiaoman, then smiled clearly, and then sat down. "Come on, drink! This is the second pot of Luo Yuan!"

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