The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 1455: Why hasn't Xiao Man returned?

The world is turbulent, and the three realms and six ways merge to form a complete world.

Everyone was shocked by the changes in front of them!

Especially the improvement of their own strength is even more intuitive, and they can jump several realms one by one.

"Xiaoxiu, I am now on the ninth level of the Deity Transformation Stage!" Zhi Wu looked over, blushing, and said excitedly: "What realm are you?"

"The Ninth Floor of the God Transformation Stage."

"Uh, hahaha!" Zhi Wu smiled triumphantly when he heard this answer. "I finally caught up with you. Both of us are now on the ninth level of the transformation stage. See how you will scream in the future!"

Hu Yanxiu looked calm, raised his temples, and said quietly: "Really?"

"Isn't it?" Zhi Wu touched Hu Yanxiu with his elbow, and said provocatively: "You don't have to be sad, the more talented people are, the more powerful they will break out later."

Zhi Wu: praise me, praise me!

"Xiao Wu!" At this moment, Tong Ming couldn't stand his cry and couldn't help but said: "Although Hu Yanxiu and you are both on the ninth level of the transformation stage, he is actually half a step back. The difference inside is not small."

Half a step back? !

Zhi Wu's smiling face froze!

Half a step is still empty, and the ninth level of the God Transformation Stage, although they are in the same realm, their strength is very different.

To put it simply, half a step can make a few moves with people who are on the first level of the stage, but those who have just stepped into the ninth level of the transformation stage can't do it.

Suddenly, Zhi Wu was lost again, her good mood that had been raised several levels inexplicably, was instantly destroyed.

"No! I won't be able to surpass you if I don't believe it." After only a moment of loss, Zhi Wu cheered up again, full of fighting spirit.

Hu Yanxiu raised his eyebrows and glanced at the exhilarating Zhi Wu, feeling inexplicably that this guy is quite cute. This kind of tenacity is not something ordinary people can have.

What's more, if this guy hadn't been chasing after him, he wouldn't be able to maintain this cultivation speed, taking advantage of this opportunity to step into the realm of half a step.

"Minor repairs, you have to be prepared." Zhi Wu shook his fist and said fiercely: "If you don't pay attention, I will surpass you."

"Okay!" Hu Yanxiu curled the corners of his lips and smiled lightly: "Go on!"

Seeing these two little guys fighting secretly, Hu Yan Ruofeng couldn't help showing a faint smile, and then looked at the huge ball of light in front of him, floating in mid-air.

This huge ball of light exudes an aura of amazing power, like the hub and core of the entire world, dominating the fusion of the three realms and six realms.

Of course, it will take at least one month to complete the integration.

At that time, the original ordinary world will undergo earth-shaking changes.

"Oh, why the little master hasn't come back yet?" When Ji Wuya saw the nine-fold thunder robbery passed, Luo Xiaoman couldn't help but become worried. "Will there be another moth?"

"No." Hu Yanruofeng shook his head and said affirmatively: "Even though the heaven and earth vision has disturbed the rules of the heaven and earth just now, there is no intention to kill. Xiao Man should be fine."

"Hmph, if the world dared to hurt Xiaoman a hair, I must break him." Luo Mushan clenched his fist, his eyes revealed an urgent light.

It's just that everyone just thought he was angry and didn't think he was really capable and could break the world.

However, Hu Yan Ruofeng glanced at him deeply, with a solemn expression on his face.

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