The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 1463: Fuck behind the scenes

"Daddy, I'll take a step first." Luo Xiaoman turned around, waved his hand, and said, "Daddy, they are still waiting for me."

"Xiaoman, this..." Zhu Yingtian glanced at Luo Xiaoman, then at Qiang Wenyi, a little at a loss.

"Luo Xiaoman!" Qiang Wenyi gritted his teeth, a touch of suffocation appeared on Wenrun Ruyu's face, and said in a deep voice: "You should know the strength of our Qiang family. As long as I give an order, Zhu Yanguo will no longer exist tomorrow. ."

"Bastard!" Suddenly, Zhu Yingtian reacted, shouting violently, and said in an awe-inspiring manner: "Master Qiang, I admire your Qiang clan to unite the Central Plains and create a prosperous world in the world, so that you will be polite."

"But, if you want to use this to blackmail Xiaoman, I will be the first to refuse."

Qiang Wenyi was stunned by Zhu Yingtian's attitude again!

Zhu Yanguo, just a small country, dare to yell at himself, it's the opposite!

"President Qiang." At this moment, Luo Xiaoman walked over, staring at Qiang Wenyi. "Luo Xiaoman, the most unbearable thing is threats. Go back and tell King Qiang, dare to move Zhu Yanguo, Luo Xiaoman will accompany you at any time."

Qiang Wenyi's mind tightened, and he looked at Luo Xiaoman blankly.

Luo Xiaoman in front of him, calm and composed, said this with the momentum surging like a wave, and he was speechless.

Why does this guy dare to say such a rebellious thing?

"Mr. Qiang, don't forget, I'm the one who has survived the nine thunder tribulations. I dare to go against the sky, let alone your Qiang family?" Luo Xiaoman hooked his lips and said domineeringly.

Qiang Wenyi opened his mouth, then sighed, and said quietly, "Sorry, I was rude. What I said just now is just my anger, please don't take it to heart."

After speaking, he stepped out, paused again, and turned back: "Miss Luo, our invitation has always been valid, and you are welcome to join at any time."

"My attitude has never changed."

Qiang Wenyi smiled and walked out of the Imperial Study Room in silence.

"Huh, Xiaoman, you scared me to death just now." Zhu Yingtian shook his head with a bitter smile, and said helplessly: "I'm really afraid that Qiang Wenyi will directly do it on you."

"No." Luo Xiaoman shook his head, his eyes flashing with deep divine light. "As he said, what he said just now was just angry words, and their Qiang family will not do anything to me for the time being."

"Oh?" Zhu Yingtian raised his eyebrows, wondering where Luo Xiaoman's confidence came from.

"Daddy, I can't explain too much to you now." Luo Xiaoman smiled bitterly: "Because I didn't understand the clue."

"Understood." Zhu Yingtian nodded, and then he supported Luo Xiaoman's shoulders with both hands, and said firmly: "No matter what happens, the big godfather will stand on Xiaoman's side."

"Thank you great godfather!" Luo Xiaoman felt Zhu Yingtian's pampering and couldn't help but smile back. However, even if the Qiang clan really wants to blame it, how can she cause her big godfather?

Old man Ling Tian, ​​is this what you meant again? Luo Xiaoman squinted his eyes slightly, and already had some clues in his mind. This matter Ling Tian manipulated behind his back was more than the previous ones.

To be sure, he is playing a big game.

When Qiang Wenyi left the palace and came to a small forest, he stopped.

"Mr. Ling, you really have a brilliant plan." His eyes were very shiny in the dark, like black gems that would glow. "Luo Xiaoman, really refused!"

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