The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 1467: Feiyuan does not marry

Seeing Mo Yuan's cool look, Luo Xiaoman couldn't help laughing when he saw his embarrassment now. "Yuan, I guess Daddy can't accept it all at once, you let him slow down."

In any case, she has just grown up today, and Yuan will marry her baby daughter from him, of course she will not admit it.

"Patriarch Luo." Mo Yuan groaned for a while, then looked serious, stood in front of the door, and said sincerely again: "Please marry Xiaoman to me."

"I will do my best to love her and treat her well!"

"Okay, okay." Luo Mushan opened the door again, staring at Mo Yuan fiercely. "I knew that your kid was not innocent when approaching Xiaoman, so he wanted to marry her? However, for the sake of your being good to Xiaoman, I don't care about you anymore.

Hearing this, Mo Yuan raised his brows. Is this to agree to him?

"But..." Luo Mushan's words turned, and instantly suppressed the excitement that Mo Yuan had just raised. "Xiaoman has just grown up, so it is not suitable to get married right away. Even if I agree, her mother may not necessarily agree, right?"

He is like a miser, unwilling to give away his treasure. "As the saying goes, I don't count, and Xiaoman's mother is still in the Xuanyuan clan, shall we wait to bring her back?"

This series of parallel sentences made Mo Yuan stunned for a moment. It sounded like rejection, and it seemed very reasonable. I didn't know how to respond.

"Daddy, do you agree?" Seeing that Mo Yuan had no idea about this matter, Luo Xiaoman had to walk up and hum and said, "Of course! Whether you agree or not, Feiyuan will not marry in my life. "

"Well, I'll listen to you! Marry whoever you say to marry!" Luo Mushan sighed, looking helpless. "But, you can't get married right away? How about bringing your fairy mother back and holding a grand wedding?"

"Hey! Daddy is the best!" Suddenly, Luo Xiaoman opened his eyes and smiled, hugging Luo Mushan, and kissed his face fiercely.

If it were normal, Mo Yuan would be jealous when he saw this scene, but at this moment, he felt like a flower in full bloom in his heart, very happy.

From now on, the man in front of him will be his grandfather, a real family.

"Boy!" Luo Mushan turned around, staring at Mo Yuan fiercely, and said solemnly: "You have to treat Xiaoman well in the future. If you dare to upset her, I will screw it off for you."

"Patriarch Luo..."

"Hey, what is your name?"

Mo Yuan was startled slightly, then he screamed, and shouted out a word: "Father."

"Haha, this is right!" Luo Mushan laughed cheerfully. Although he laughed happily, he was actually quite sad. The little daughter who had been raising for so long would eventually marry as a wife, and his heart was mixed, as if he had overturned a five-flavored bottle.

"Father, don't worry, I will treat Xiaoman well, love her, love her, pet her, and never let her suffer any wrongdoing." Mo Yuan said vowedly.

"I believe in you." Luo Mushan nodded in satisfaction, then took Luo Xiaoman's little hand, and Mo Yuan's hand, and then folded the two hands together. "When I pick up Xian'er, I will organize a grand wedding for you."

"Thank you daddy." Luo Xiaoman rushed into Luo Mushan's arms, seeming to be able to feel the complicated emotions in his father's heart. "Although I am married, the same thing is that my last name is Luo, and I am your daughter of Mount Luomu."

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