"What are you two talking about?" At this moment, Luo Mushan came over and saw the two little guys with excited expressions. He couldn't help but wondered: "Is something wrong?"

"Daddy, please call your godfather over!"

"Ah? Tell Ye Canglan to come over?" Luo Mushan was taken aback, and then said questioningly: "Now it is late at night, are you sure you want to get that guy out of his sleep? I'm afraid he will do it directly with me!"

"Daddy, you'll know after reading this." Luo Xiaoman smiled mysteriously, and then threw the jade symbol in his hand to Luo Mushan.

Luo Mushan took the jade talisman, and probed his divine mind in doubt. Suddenly, he shivered, his eyes widened, and he couldn't make a sound with excitement.

"This, is this true?"

"Yes!" Luo Xiaoman nodded, and glanced at Luo Qinghen beside him. "This is the second brother, the plan outline just compiled!"

"Lying on the grass!!" Luo Mushan took a deep breath, then couldn't help but explode, walked over and patted Luo Qinghen's shoulder heavily. "Qinghen, well done! As long as the plan is successful, Qinhuai City will become the strongest barrier!"

"Hey, this is Xiaoman's contribution. If it weren't for Xiaoman's idea, I wouldn't be able to sort out this plan outline." Luo Qinghen touched his nose and said modestly.

"Xiaoman, I, I'm going to get Ye Canglan out!" When the voice fell, Luo Mushan's figure moved, and he could not wait to fly towards Yejia.

"Yuan, go and call the dean's grandfather over!"


Mo Yuan nodded, then his figure moved, flying away from the Pilgrimage Academy.

Luo Xiaoman squinted his eyes slightly and looked at the palace. For the plan to unfold smoothly, the most important thing is to get the emperor's support. Without his support, this plan would be empty talk.

I am very happy today. Zhu Yingtian drank more wine and fell asleep earlier than before.

I thought I could sleep well, but a noisy sound woke him up from his sleep.

"Who is arguing outside!" Zhu Yingtian got up and said angrily.

"Back to the emperor, it's the little princess!" A **** walked over in fear and explained: "The little princess suddenly broke into the emperor's palace and told her that there was something important to report. The little man felt that the emperor rarely had a good night's sleep, so she let her Come back tomorrow. As a result... the little princess forcibly broke in."

Zhu Yingtian frowned, with Luo Xiaoman's character, if it was not an important matter, he would definitely not be so brutal.

"Let Xiaoman in!"


Soon, Luo Xiaoman was let in.


"Xiaoman, it's rare for your big godfather to get a good night's sleep. You have stirred up and soaked again!" After seeing this little guy, Zhu Yingtian's little bit of getting up gas disappeared.

"Daddy, I'm coming to see you so late. There is indeed something important." Luo Xiaoman said apologetically, "This matter is about the future of Qinhuai City and even Zhu Yanguo."

"Oh?" Zhu Yingtian raised his eyebrows, then took a cloak, put it on him casually, and walked towards Luo Xiaoman. "Then tell me, what is it?"

"Great godfather, I still don't say it, you can see for yourself." Luo Xiaoman handed the Yufu over.

Zhu Yingtian took the jade talisman suspiciously, then turned his mind, and dived into the jade talisman, and some information was immediately presented.


Seeing the plan inside the jade charm, Zhu Yingtian's eyes widened, his expression unbelievable. "is this real?"

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