The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 1477: How can I rescue Xian'er mother?

"Xiaoman, the Xuanyuan clan is a family handed down from ancient times. We are powerful. We can't be reckless." Luo Mushan drank a sip of tea. The hot tea made him frown, then he exhaled and continued: " We must think of a tactful way to sneak into the Xuanyuan clan, and then rescue the Xian'er mother."

"However, the Xuanyuan clan lives in the Hanyou Forest. If there is no leader, we will easily get lost in it."

Luo Xiaoman had a lollipop in his mouth, pondered for a moment, and said, "Daddy, so speaking, our situation is very passive."

"Oh!" Luo Mushan shook his head and smiled bitterly: "So, it is not easy to rescue the mother of Xian'er."

"Then you said you want to bring your mother back." Luo Xiaoman glared at Luo Mushan and said angrily: "Daddy, are you going to use a very dangerous method? For example...fight your life?"

Luo Mushan blushed instantly when Luo Xiaoman said so.

He really wanted to use the sword to go slant forward, taking advantage of the moment when he returned to the Xuanyuan clan, he would burn with them and risk his death to rescue Xianer.

"Daddy, tell you the truth." Luo Xiaoman akimbo and pours cold water on Mount Luo Mu mercilessly. "Even if you are going to fight this life, it is impossible to save your mother."


Luo Mushan was startled slightly, blinked, and looked at Luo Xiaoman blankly.

Luo Xiaoman pointed to the scar on his face, and said: "This scar is not just a scar, it also hides a mark."

"The reason why Big Brother can't get rid of it is because this scar is combined with this mark. Once you have any changes, Xuanyuan will know in advance and be prepared."

"Asshole!" Luo Mushan's eyes sank and he slapped the table. This shot scared the others in Chaliao, and they looked at them with strange eyes.

Luo Mushan smiled awkwardly, then lowered his voice, and said, "These guys are really disgusting and they are playing surveillance. By the way, are they watching us through this scar now?"

He looked at Luo Xiaoman nervously, if this scar was connected to a mark, would their current conversation be monitored?

"No!" Luo Xiaoman shook his head, raised his hand, sticking his chin, and said: "This mark is not so advanced yet. At most, you will be alert to the Xuanyuan clan when you have strong feelings about it."

Hearing this, Luo Mushan couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and said angrily: "Xiaoman, it's fortunate that you have seen everything through, otherwise, I will really follow their way."

"Your mood swings just now, they... should be monitored!"


Luo Mushan was startled and looked at Luo Xiaoman blankly.

"However, I just told Yuan to block this place, and the signal of the imprint cannot be sent out."

Suddenly, Luo Mushan breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked at Luo Xiaoman dumbfounded. "Xiaoman, don't scare your dad so much, your dad will be scared to death by you."

"Hey, people are not mediating the atmosphere."

Seeing Luo Xiaoman's playful appearance, Luo Mushan was angry and helpless. Who made him completely unresistant to this little guy?

"Huh?" Suddenly, Mo Yuan frowned slightly and squinted at the main road. "Xiaoman, someone is coming."

"Mo Yuan, this is the main road, isn't it normal for someone to come?" Luo Mushan frowned and looked at Mo Yuan suspiciously.

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