"Huh, hurry away. We must rush to the Hanyou Forest before going into the dark." Ruolin snorted, then put down the curtain again and returned to the car with her eyes closed.

He believes that with the strength of these two bodyguards, any problem can be solved completely.

"You, get out of the way!" A bodyguard stepped forward, pointed at the man who was in the way, said viciously, and released an aura, crushing it towards the opponent.

Although the man in front of him had a hideous scar on his face, it looked fierce and vicious, but in front of the strong man in the transformation stage, he was like an ant.

However, the man in front of him was not afraid of imposing pressure, took out a machete, carried it on his shoulder, and said, "This route is for me, and this tree is for me to plant. If you want to cross this road, stay Buy road money!!"

"Robbery?" The two bodyguards looked at each other before bursting into laughter.

"Hey, don't laugh, and quickly hand over your valuables!" The man, Luo Mushan brandished a machete, pointed at the two bodyguards, and said coldly: "Otherwise, I will chop you off!"

At this moment, Luo Xiaoman and Mo Yuan, who were hiding next to them, looked at Luo Mu Mountain with helpless expressions.

Originally, they wanted to do it directly and grab people, but Luomu Mountain was about to stage this scene, and I didn't know if it was too playful.

However, they didn't say much, who made Mount Lomu the father?

"Little man!"


Luo Xiaoman turned his head and saw Mo Yuan handing over a handful of melon seeds.

"Yuan, you are very proficient now." Luo Xiaoman glanced at the melon seeds, and they were all stripped. She didn't know when Mo Yuan stripped them. Why didn't she see them?

"You said that you don't eat melons in the theater, and the excitement is less than half." Mo Yuan curled the corner of his lips, his eyes full of love.

"Exactly right!" Luo Xiaoman chuckled, then took the melon seeds from Mo Yuan's hand, and ate while watching Luo Mushan's performance.

At this moment, from the corner of Luo Mushan's eyes, he just saw Luo Xiaoman eating melon seeds, and he was instantly depressed!

Alas, the evil spirits brought up by this fellow mouse have broken Xiaoman.

No, I have to taste the melon seeds later.

Lin Sanxing (wronged): Master, are you sure I brought this unhealthy trend?

At this time, the two bodyguards walked over aggressively.

They continued to release their momentum and crushed towards Mount Luomu.

In their eyes, Luo Mushan was just an ordinary robber, not his opponent at all.

However, when they walked a few steps, they couldn't help but stop.

"Who are you?" A bodyguard frowned and stared at Mount Luo Mu. The momentum they released was enough to make an ordinary person faint, but the man in front of him did not respond.

"Are you blind?" Luo Mushan curled his lips and said contemptuously: "I'm here to rob! Don't grind and harp, and quickly hand over the valuables!"

"Asshole!" Another bodyguard yelled, and said to his companions around him: "Second tiger, don't talk nonsense with him, kill him!"

"it is good!"

Immediately, the aura of the two of them was completely released, like two waves, crushing towards Luomu Mountain.

"Oh, I gave you a chance!" Luo Mushan shook his head, and then slammed the machete to the ground, his eyes stared.

Immediately afterwards, an even more terrifying aura, like a huge wave, crushed over the two bodyguards.

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