"This, this is Xuanyuan's invitation letter." Ruolin tremblingly offered Xuanyuan's invitation letter with her hands, her eyes filled with resentment and resentment.

It is really too shameful to think that his dignified seventh-rank refiner has fallen to the point where he was blocked and robbed by others and was unable to resist.

However, the opponent's strength is too strong, even if they are two bodyguards in the transformation stage, there is nothing to do, what can they do?

In order to save his life, he had to swallow this humiliation.

Luo Xiaoman glanced at the three large lacquer and gold characters on the invitation letter, and couldn't help but hook his lips, then took it over. "What's your name?"


"Okay!" Luo Xiaoman put away the invitation letter, then said lightly: "Take off your clothes."

"Huh?" Ruolin was startled, and then hurriedly protected her chest, shivering. "You, what do you want to do?"

Seeing his behavior, Luo Xiaoman twitched the corners of his mouth, rolled his eyes, and said angrily: "Where do you want to go? Think we are going to have sex?"

Is not it?

Ruolin blinked and looked at Luo Xiaoman blankly. If it's not Jie Se, then why let him undress?

"I'm going!!" Luo Mushan next to him couldn't stand it anymore, and he swiped over with a punch, directly knocking Ruolin stunned. "What does this old guy think? You have to see what you look like if you want to be stunned!"

Luo Xiaoman and Mo Yuan glanced at each other, secretly saying that Luo Mushan's punch was good, and they were also disgusted by Ruolin.

At an age, his skin is wrinkled, and he is still a man.

"Xiaoman, are you sure you want to take off his clothes?" Luo Mushan glanced at Ruolin disgustedly. Even though the old guy passed out, he felt evil when he thought that he might want to take off his clothes. cold.

"Forget it!" Luo Xiaoman waved his hand and said helplessly: "We only need to take off the clothes of the two bodyguards!"

After a while, Mo Yuan and Luo Mushan changed into the clothes of two bodyguards.

As for Luo Xiaoman, he took out a black robe, put it on his body, and buttoned his hood again. It looked mysterious, quite a bit of a stranger.

"Xiaoman, you are going to pretend to be Ruolin and sneak into the Xuanyuan clan, right?" Seeing this, Luo Mushan suddenly became clear and understood Luo Xiaoman's careful thinking.

"Not bad!" Luo Xiaoman nodded, then turned around and said: "However, we have to bet Xuanyuan doesn't know what Ruolin looks like, otherwise..."

Luo Mushan knew that Luo Xiaoman's height was far from Ruolin.

Moreover, Ruolin is so young, but it is easy to make mistakes. However, they can't think so much now, they can only see walking.

"Right! Xiaoman, how did you know that Ruolin would have an invitation letter?" Luo Mushan frowned and couldn't help asking curiously.

"Daddy, it's not easy." Luo Xiaoman hooked his lips, lifted his hood, and said with a smile: "Xuanyuan Clan, not anyone can get in. If this is the case, then the person they invited will definitely be. There are tokens, and invitations are just one of them."

"It's just that I just said it casually, but it hit directly."

Luo Mushan listened to Luo Xiaoman's explanation and kept nodding his head. With such a small ancestor, he had a lot of confidence inexplicably.

This time, Xian'er can definitely be picked up safely.

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