The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 1500: Everything is available

Xuanyuan Wuyin frowned, thought for a moment, and seemed to want to express it more straightforwardly, clearly, and said, "It's like the stone in Mr. Ruo's hand. If you use it to refine tools, it can only be a stone in the end."

"No!" Luo Xiaoman shook his head, and the old **** raised his hand on the ground.

Suddenly, the true essence flowed and suddenly turned into flames, burning the stones in his hands.

"The result of the refining device depends on the person who refining it."

For a moment, everyone's eyes all fell on the flame in Luo Xiaoman's hands.

The flame churned, burning the stone in Luo Xiaoman's hand, watching it melt into a pool of magma little by little.

"Hehe, Mr. Ruo is crazy! Does he still want to turn this stone into something else?" Yuan Ming's mouth twitched, he wanted to laugh, but found that other people's attention fell on Luo. Xiao Man's hand did not care what he said?

He is embarrassed!

Suddenly, the flames suddenly turned, surging, and became extremely hot.

At the same time, Luo Xiaoman's eyes squinted slightly, and a rush of true essence in his body rushed toward the pool of magma.

With a bang!

The flames exploded and black smoke burst forth.

Everyone's eyes widened, staring at Luo Xiaoman's clenched fists.

They want to see, a stone, what else can you play with?

"The world is changing, and the horizon of human beings is small after all. Who can see through the nature of the world?" Luo Xiaoman said as he slowly spread his hands out.

Suddenly, a burst of brilliance shone out, dazzling everyone's eyes.

"This, what is this?!" Yuan Ming opened his eyes wide and looked at the transparent and angular thing in Luo Xiaoman's hand with a look of astonishment.

"This is the stone just now. But now I have refined it into a crystal." The crystal in Luo Xiaoman's hand, under the refraction of the light, is so bright, so dazzling, like a priceless gem. Generally charming eyes.

It is hard for everyone to imagine that the originally worthless stone was refined into such a treasure by Luo Xiaoman. Isn't it incredible?

"Wonderful, wonderful!" A wave of waves finally appeared on Xuanyuan Wuyin's face. "Mr. Ruo, I have been taught today. You are right. Our human vision is still too small."

"Everything changes, as long as you discover its essence, you can turn decay into magic." Luo Xiaoman flicked the crystal lightly, and bounced towards Xuanyuan Wuyin. "This crystal should be a meeting gift for the patriarch."

Xuanyuan Wuyin took this crystal, and the joy on his face couldn't hide the excitement in his heart.

He glanced at Luo Xiaoman, his heart was dark, he was worthy of being a seventh-grade refiner, with such a deep understanding of refiners, Ruolin had already decided Ruolin as the primary candidate for refining artifacts.

With this vision alone, other refiners have already exploded.

"Mo Yuan, when did Xiaoman become so good at refining tools?" Luo Mushan was dumbfounded. Luo Xiaoman just said something. He was a layman who was stunned for a while, but he didn't know how to be sharp.

Mo Yuan smiled slightly, revealing a meaningful smile.

When everyone was amazed at Luo Xiaoman's insights, he noticed a hint of anxiety under the little guy's eyes.

"Second brother, they were really bluffed by you." Luo Xiaoman was in his heart, secretly complaining. "Unexpectedly, you are usually a funny comparison, but your understanding of refining tools is so profound!"

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