"Haha, how could it happen?" Wang Quan quickly reduced the color on his face and smiled: "Mr. Ruo is highly respected. He is our predecessor and a role model. It is worth learning from him."

"Wang Quan, are you disgusting?" Xue Qing squinted Wang Quan, curled her lips, and said contemptuously: "I hate people like you who are inconsistent."

Wang Quan's expression froze, and she didn't expect Xue Qing to slap him in front of Xuanyuanmeng's face.

At this moment, he really wanted to slap this woman!

"Miss Meng, you are right, I really hate this Ruolin." Xue Qing squinted her eyes and said coldly: "If he passes the test, I guess I will be sick and vomit."

"Haha, it's interesting." Xuanyuan Meng hooked her lips, then walked over, and whispered in their ears, "Actually, I don't like this Mr. Ruo. So, I can help you. Give Mr. Ruo some trouble."

Suddenly, Xueqing's eyes lit up and she asked in surprise: "Really?"

"Really!" Xuanyuan Meng nodded, then squinted Wang Quan next to him. "How about you? Join us or tell us?"

Wang Quan frowned, and just hesitated before choosing to join Xuanyuanmeng and Xueqing.

"Haha, you made a wise choice." Xuanyuan Meng raised her eyebrows. She was not surprised by Wang Quan's choice.

This person has different appearances, although on the surface he is a good old person, but in fact there is water coming out of it.

"However, when the time comes, you have to cooperate with me!"

"Of course! As long as Ruolin can be killed, we will cooperate with all our strength!" Xue Qing said positively.

"What about you?" Xuanyuanmeng nodded in satisfaction, then looked at Wang Quan.

"Same!" Wang Quan smiled.

"Heh, then we can cooperate happily." Xuanyuan Meng smiled and stretched out his hand to Wang Quan and Xue Qing.

Xueqing didn't hesitate, and shook her swiftly, while Wang Quan hesitated for a moment and shook it with her. The three of them had reached an agreement.

When Luo Xiaoman and the three returned to the inn, they went straight back to the room, and at the same time they closed the door tightly, and arranged another barrier.

Immediately, Luo Xiaoman took off his hood, erased his disguise, and breathed a sigh of relief. "Wearing this hat all day, and wearing a mask, really smother me!"

"Come on, drink some tea." Mo Yuan poured a cup of tea and handed it to Luo Xiaoman.

Luo Xiaoman's eyes lit up, he took the cup of tea, took a sip, and felt his breath recovered in an instant.

Looking at her slightly flushed face, cute and cute, Mo Yuan's heart also softened, and his hand subconsciously leaned over, squeezing the soft face.

"Ahem!" Luo Mushan couldn't sit still, coughing fiercely. "Mo Yuan, shouldn't your kid pour me a cup of tea for this future old man?"

Mo Yuan raised his eyebrows, then quickly poured a cup of tea and handed it over. "Daddy, drink tea."

Luo Mushan took the teacup with a wry smile, and sighed: "You two, it depends on the occasion to spread dog food! Poor Xian'er is still trapped in a cage."

"Daddy, peace of mind." Luo Xiaoman walked over, shaking Luo Mushan's sleeves, and said coquettishly: "We will be able to rescue my mother soon."

"Hmph, when you rescue your Xian'er mother, I will also sprinkle dog food for you." Luo Mushan snorted coldly, curled his lips, and said angrily.

Seeing him like an old naughty boy, Luo Xiaoman couldn't help laughing.

Although Luo Mushan is usually very serious, when facing her, he always shows the appearance of an old naughty boy from time to time. It is estimated that the second brother's funny character is also due to his father.

"By the way, Yuan, what did you do with Xuanyuanmeng just now?"

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