The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 1506: She looks a lot like Xian'er mother!

"Why?" Luo Xiaoman blinked his eyes and asked with a puzzled look: "Is this saint looking so ugly, or is it three heads and six arms?"

Luo Mushan opened his mouth, he wanted to say something, then he sighed and smiled bitterly: "The situation is a bit complicated, you should see it for yourself. When you see the saint, you will understand."

Luo Xiaoman pursed his lips, feeling very depressed, daddy, you definitely did it on purpose!

Even if you are so tempted by you, even if it is not to inquire about the situation, but to see what the Saintess of Xuanyuan looks like, she must take this trip.


Luo Xiaoman opened the door.

Outside, two Xuanyuan clan had been waiting.

The costumes on their bodies are more solemn than the other Xuanyuan clan, and they should be the servants of the saint.

"Mr. Ruo, your two bodyguards can't go."

"Huh?" Luo Xiaoman frowned and said with a dissatisfaction: "The two of them are my personal bodyguards and must stay with me."

"Sorry! The saint saw you alone." Although the two servants smiled on their faces, their attitude was very tough.

"Mr. Ruo, we are here waiting for you to come back." At this moment, Mo Yuan walked over and said in a low voice, "I believe the Xuanyuan clan will not be malicious to Mr. Ruo."

"You, don't run around." Luo Xiaoman turned around and stared at Mo Yuan fiercely, as if to warn him, don't be hooked away by that Xuanyuan Meng.

Mo Yuan was amused, although Xiao Man was a warning to him, but he also cared about his performance.

When he thought of this, the corners of his lips couldn't help rising.

When Mo Yuan recovered, Luo Xiaoman had already left with the two subordinates.

Soon, Luo Xiaoman was quickly taken to a luxuriously decorated building.

Of course, the luxury of this building is limited to Yanhuang Village, and compared with the palace outside, it is still a bit crude.

"Mr. Ruo, wait a moment here, the saint will come soon." A servant arranged Luo Xiaoman in a room and said respectfully: "Here is some hot tea. Mr. Ruo can do whatever you want. Nothing, we retired."


The two servants walked out.

Luo Xiaoman sat in this room, looking around the decorations here, surrounded by some totems and some clay sculptures, revealing the vicissitudes of history.

"Mr. Ruo." At this moment, a clear voice came, pulling Luo Xiaoman's attention from the decoration in the room.

Luo Xiaoman turned his head and saw a beautiful figure stepping into this room.

When she saw this beautiful shadow, she couldn't help but was stunned, and almost opened her mouth to call the fairy mother kiss!

All because of the fact that the woman in front of her looks very similar to the mother of Xian'er, the only difference is that temperament.

The mother of Xian'er, there is a hint of tenderness in the domineering, and the woman in front of her has a hint of coldness in the tenderness.

"I have seen the saint." Luo Xiaoman came back to his senses and quickly got up to meet him.

Xuanyuan Ling'er didn't care about her lack of focus, after all, his face was unparalleled, even a man would look straight.

"No need to be polite." Xuanyuan Ling'er raised his hand, stepped on the lotus step, and walked to Luo Xiaoman. "Mr. Ruo, suddenly calling you over, please don't take offense."

"It's Ruo-mou's honor to be able to see the saint, so how can I be offended?" Luo Xiaoman lowered his head, and said humbly in response to his inner surprise.

"Actually, I asked you to come over to ask a few questions about refining." Xuanyuan Linger sat down, raised his green jade hand, held a cup of hot tea on the table, and took a sip. "Mr. Ruo, this tea is carefully grown by our Xuanyuan family, why not try it?"

"Okay!" Luo Xiaoman also sat back, took a cup of hot tea next to him, and took a sip. "Yes, the tea smells very positive, it's a good tea."

As she said, she turned around and asked in confusion, "Holy woman, I don't know what question you want to ask?"

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