Mo Yuan pondered for a while, then walked over and took Luo Xiaoman's little hand. "No matter what decision you make, I will support you unconditionally."

"Hmm!" Luo Xiaoman felt his temperature through the palm of Mo Yuan's palm, and revealed a sweet smile.

"I'm going! Here again!" Luo Mushan raised his hand and patted his forehead, then walked out. "I slipped away, I go back to my room, you guys continue."

The next day!

Many people have gathered in the square of Yanhuang Village.

They came to occupy a good position early in the morning and watched the second round of trials, that is, the five winning craftsmen who would refine a magic sword capable of splitting Qing Xuan Steel.

"Three people will be eliminated this time. Who do you think will be eliminated?"

"Oh, it won't be Mr. Ruo anyway."

In the eyes of the Xuanyuan clan, Ruolin seemed to have been designated as the person who participated in the refining of the artifact.

The next test is just a cutscene, so as to give others an explanation.

After all, a person who can say that everything can be refined, and was interviewed by the saint to discuss refining, the level of refining must be beyond doubt.

"But, why isn't Mr. Ruo here yet?"

Wang Quan, Yuan Ming, Xueqing, and Lu Fei have been waiting for a long time, but Ruolin still hasn't seen anyone, which made everyone wait impatient.

"Huh, this Mr. Ruo's frame is really big." Yuan Ming curled his lips and said mockingly: "When is this, I haven't shown up yet, do you really think you are the finale?"

"Don't worry." Xueqing squinted her eyes, and a coldness appeared on her beautiful face. "He won't be proud for long."

Wang Quan and Yuan Ming looked at each other, and there was a glimmer of light that only the three of them understood.

Lu Fei frowned. He always felt that these three people had some hidden secret, but for a while, he couldn't figure out what was going on.

"Patriarch!" Wang Quan turned around, hugged Xuanyuan Wuyin on the high platform, and said, "If Mr. Ruo hasn't seen anyone, you can't wait forever, right?"

Xuanyuan Wuyin frowned, Ruolin was indeed a little too late, and if she waited this way, she was afraid that it would arouse public anger.

"Wait another quarter of an hour. If Mr. Ruo doesn't show up yet, disqualify him."

Upon hearing this answer, Wang Quan smiled satisfied. "The patriarch is wise."

"Zhan, go and see, why is Mr. Ruo so late?" Xuanyuan Wuyin ordered Xuanyuan Zhan next to him.


"No need!"

At the moment Xuanyuan Zhan left, Luo Xiaoman, Luo Mushan, and Mo Yuan appeared in front of everyone.

"Sorry, everyone has been waiting for a long time." Luo Xiaoman was still wearing a cloak and hood, and said apologetically: "Because yesterday and the saint had discussed some refining issues, and gained some insights, so after going back, he closed the door. It’s only now that I have made my head clear. Please forgive me!"

The corners of Wang Quan's mouth twitched. This is showing off. One is to meet the saint, and the other is to have a new understanding of refining. This is definitely the most remarkable for a refining master. Show off.

"Buckling!" Yuan Ming gritted his teeth and couldn't help cursing inwardly. "He didn't discuss it with us, but instead ran to discuss with the saint. He really didn't take us into consideration."

"Yuan Ming, I said, he won't be proud for long!" Xue Qing's face was gloomy, and the corner of her eyes glanced at a woman outside the court, it was Xuanyuan Meng. "In a moment, he will be defeated."

"Okay!" Xuanyuan Wuyin cleared his throat and attracted everyone's attention to himself. "Next, start the second round of testing."

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