Mo Yuan was also quite curious about this.

In the first round of the test, Xiaoman and Luo Qinghen could communicate through divine minds, but now they have to refine the instruments themselves. This is not something that can be done in a few words.

At this time, Luo Xiaoman's spirit was immersed in the sea of ​​consciousness, and he communicated with Luo Qinghen.

"Second brother, did you see the materials in the storage ring?"

"I saw it!"

"Did you find something wrong?"

"Tsk tusk, the materials in it are all right at first glance, but the dragon scale stone in it contains a Huo Yaozi."

Huoyaozi is a very common ore, but because it is so common, it is hidden in the dragon scale stone and is difficult to find.

If it weren't for Luo Xiaoman's unusually strong mental power and his thorough insight, he would really not be able to discover the existence of this Huo Yaozi.

"Xiaoman, it looks like someone made us stumble!" Luo Qinghen curled his lips and sneered, "It's a pity, she is overpowering."

"Second brother, what do you want to do?" Luo Xiaoman raised his eyebrows and looked at Luo Qinghen in surprise. Since he said that, there must be a way to deal with this Huo Yaozi perfectly.

She originally wanted to take out Huo Yaozi directly, but if the second brother had a better way, why not?

"Isn't this going to make a magic sword that splits Qing Xuan Steel?" Luo Qinghen squinted his eyes and cunningly said, "They thought that if Huo Yaozi was added, it would fry the furnace during the refining process. However, I have discovered it now, and it has become a rare gain."

"Second brother, I'll leave it to you!" Luo Xiaoman's eyes lit up, and it seemed that Xuanyuan Meng was a bad-hearted deed and sent them a good thing.

"Hey, wait!" Luo Qinghen blinked and said with a dazed expression: "Xiaoman, I know how to refine this magic sword. However, the refinement can not be taught to you in a few words. ..."

"So, second brother, come by yourself!"


Luo Qinghen was stunned!

Here, how did this come?

Qinhuai City and Hanyouzhi Forest are tens of thousands of miles apart, how could they run over? Even if he ran over, it was impossible to practice in front of the Xuanyuan Clan!

This is not to tell Xuanyuan that Luo Xiaoman's Mr. Ruo is fake!

"Second brother, close your eyes!" Luo Xiaoman hooked his lips and said mysteriously.

"Oh, good!" Luo Qinghen didn't think much, closed his eyes, "Like this?"

However, when he had just finished speaking, there was a buzz in his mind, as if he had been hit hard, angrily.

"I go!"

Luo Qinghen opened his eyes suddenly and was stunned for an instant!

What did he see? !

I saw a group of people looking at me like they were idiots.

It’s no wonder that people around him look at him with such eyes. Just now, Mr. Ruo, who was initially stunned, suddenly screamed as if he was frightened. People who didn’t understand thought he was too nervous. So much neuropathy.

"Second brother, calm down!" At this time, Luo Xiaoman's voice sounded in his mind. "I just brought your consciousness into my mind. From now on, what I see is what you see."

"To put it simply, I will lend you my body temporarily. You can use my hands to refine the magic sword that splits Qing Xuan Steel, and slap these guys in the face!"

"Okay!" Luo Qinghen's eyes gleamed with fiery divine light, and he said fiercely: "Don't worry about it, that's it!"

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