The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 1516: The shame of the mixer!

Seeing Yuan Ming's defeat, Wang Quan, Xueqing, and Lu Fei all settled and stopped paying attention to Luo Qinghen.

They must now play to their fullest potential, and compete with Luo Qinghen with the final result, otherwise, they will lose very hard!

"Patriarch!" Yuan Ming turned around, unwillingly said to Xuanyuan Wuyin: "Can I change a batch of materials?"

"No!" Xuanyuan Wuyin stared at him, and said mercilessly: "As a craftsman, if you don't take care of your own materials, it means that the craftsman is not in style."

Not inflow? !

Yuan Ming's eyes widened, staring at Xuanyuan Wuyin.

It’s always been someone else boasting and affirming oneself, no one would say that one is not into the stream, this is simply the biggest insult.

However, when the facts were in front of him, he was unable to refute, he could only blush and stare at Xuanyuan Wuyin.

If the expression in his eyes could kill people, Xuanyuan Wuyin would have died several times!

"Patriarch, if it weren't for Mr. Ruo to do things deliberately, I wouldn't be wrong at all." He gritted his teeth and decided to fight for himself. "He used all means to win, this kind of character is simply a shame for the refiner!"

"The disgrace of the refiner?" Xuanyuan Wuyin stood with his hand holding his hand, and sneered: "I said you are the disgrace of the refiner! Mr. Ruo is just showing your super high level of refiner, and as a refiner of your mind If you are not calm enough, who can you blame if you are affected?"


"No but!" Xuanyuan Wuyin waved a big hand and said coldly, "We Xuanyuan don't welcome people with narrow-minded minds like you, please leave."

Suddenly, several members of the Xuanyuan clan came over and made a request to Yuan Ming.

Yuan Ming's face was ugly. This was the first time he was so faceless and he was driven out by the Xuanyuan clan.

"Mr. Ruo, I'll be waiting for you outside!" He squeezed his fist, then said this to Luo Qinghen and walked out.

Ruolin, just be arrogant and proud!

At that time, you will cry miserably! !

Wang Quan and Xue Qing looked at each other, and they didn't expect Yuan Ming to be eliminated like this!

For this reason, they did not dare to be distracted anymore and refined their magic sword wholeheartedly. This is not a game, but a war, a war that only belongs to the refiners.

Although Wang Quan and Xueqing were in the same group, there was only one place in the end, and he would never let it out.

"carry out!"

With a low drink, Wang Quan, who was just about to enter the state, and Xue Qing were shocked.

They raised their eyes and saw that Luo Qinghen was holding a magic sword and was waving it a few times at random. The howling wind was enough to explain the extraordinaryness of this magic sword.

Suddenly, Wang Quan and Xueqing both looked at Xuanyuanmeng on the periphery!

It seems to be saying, didn’t you say that you did something? Why did nothing happen?

Xuanyuanmeng has also been trapped!

She put Huo Yaozi into the dragon scale stone, once it was refined and tempered, it would definitely explode.

However, she discovered that from the beginning of Luo Qinghen's refining and tempering, everything was normal and there was nothing unusual.

This is how the same thing?

Xuanyuanmeng frowned and was puzzled. Could it be that Mr. Ruo discovered the existence of Huo Yaozi and took it out?

However, what she didn't know was that Huo Yaozi not only had not been taken out, but was even tempered by Luo Qinghen.

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