Xuanyuan Ling'er came out of the cage and was about to return to the Saintess Hall, but was stopped by Xueqing and Wang Quan.

"I have seen the saint." Wang Quan clasped his fists and saluted Xuanyuan Ling'er.

"What's the matter?" Xuanyuan Ling'er frowned slightly, and looked at the two of them.

I saw their eyes flickering, fearing that the person who came was bad.

"Holy girl, we didn't intend to harass. However, the evidence about Ruolin's cheating has been confirmed. We just hope that the third round of the test can be carried out." Wang Quan and Xueqing looked at each other and said.

"Hmph, about this, you should go to the patriarch, not me!" Xuanyuan Ling'er flicked his sleeves and prepared to pass the two of them.

However, Wang Quan and Xueqing stepped back, but they blocked her again.

"Holy woman, we have asked the patriarch for advice. Unfortunately, the patriarch seems to be biased towards Ruolin, so he came to the saint to petition."

Hearing this, Xuanyuan Ling'er frowned, realizing that they knew they were not as good as Ruolin, and took the opportunity to force them to make a decision.

Without Ruolin blocking the way, they have the opportunity to become a member of the Kunlun refining artifact!

Of course, in addition to this, they also want to get Spirit Fire, Obsidian Sunfire.

"I'll tell you the truth..."

Before Xuanyuan Linger finished speaking, one by one Xuanyuan clan came over, looking at her solemnly.

"Holy girl, they are also here to ask for justice for Miss Meng." Wang Quan curled the corner of his lips, and a sly light flashed in his eyes.

He had long expected that the Saintess Society would be the same as Xuanyuan Wuyin, who was biased towards Ruolin. Simply put, the two of them had already determined that Ruolin was a member of the refining artifacts, and the previous test was simply to pass the stage.

In order to put pressure on Xuanyuan Ling'er, they specially summoned the Xuanyuan clan members, and with the help of everyone, forced her to make a decision.

"Saint, please be the master of your dreams!!"

"Mr. Ruo, what else can be investigated for the murder in public? He must die!"

"Saint, we believe you, we will give you an explanation!"

Everyone launched a strong condemnation against Ruolin, and that momentum caused Xuanyuan Ling'er a headache, but if he didn't express his attitude, these people would only rebel.

"Everyone, like you, I feel very sad about Meng's death." Xuanyuan Linger breathed a sigh of relief and said slowly: "However, there are still many doubts about this matter. We need time..."

"No, there is no doubt in this matter at all!" A Xuanyuan man stood up and said aggressively, "We saw him kill the dream with our own eyes! This is an indisputable fact!"

"Yes!" Another woman from the Xuanyuan clan stood up and said with a sad expression: "If the patriarch and the saint are not acting, do you want to shield the murderer?"

Xuanyuan Ling'er's pupils shrank, a raging anger surged in his chest, just wanting to vent it. But doing so would only ruin the image of his saint.

"Enough!" At this moment, Xuanyuan Wuyin heard the news and said loudly, "Mr. Ruo, I will give you an explanation now."

For a while, everyone's eyes looked over.

Xuanyuan Wuyin swept a circle of people, and then said coldly: "Mr. Ruo, I will cooperate with the saint to refine the fourth artifact to atone for sins!"


Suddenly, everyone exploded!

They didn't expect that the patriarch's explanation was to allow Mr. Ruo to participate in the refining of the artifact. Where is the punishment?

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