"Mother, my dad is going to hit someone ass!" Xiaolong quickly asked Luo Xiaoman for help.

"As the so-called hitters love, so your father loves you too!" Luo Xiaoman glanced at Mo Yuan, and then said to Xiaolong seriously.

"Wow! Mother, even you bully others!" Xiaolong was desperate, which made him understand a truth, parents are true love, children are accidents.

"Little dragon, come, let daddy love you!" Mo Yuan curled his lips and extended his claws to the cute little dragon.

Here, Mount Luomu was happy to see, and he had a new impression of Mo Yuan in his heart.

It has to be said that this kid Mo Yuan is much warmer than before, and is no longer so cold, just like his behavior to Xiaolong now, if this is placed in the past, it is absolutely impossible to appear.

Tsk tsk, our Xiaoman is amazing, even if it is an iceberg, he can warm it up. Luo Mushan touched his chin, like an old man, commenting on his son-in-law.

"Daddy, someone is coming!" The moment Mo Yuan was about to catch the dragon, the little guy exclaimed and immediately returned to the spirit beast space.

"Mr. Ruo!"

After a while, a member of the Xuanyuan clan walked in.

Mo Yuan and Luo Xiaoman looked at each other, and then everything returned to normal before looking at this Xuanyuan clan member.

"Mr. Ruo, the patriarch said, in order to let you make up for it, now go out for the third round of tests." This clan member did not talk nonsense, and went straight to the subject.

"Oh?" Luo Xiaoman raised his eyebrows, knowing that it was false to make up for the past, and it was true to give the people an explanation.

As for what thoughts are still hidden in it, who knows?

"Mr. Ruo, as long as you successfully pass the test and successfully assist the saint woman in refining the fourth artifact, Xuanyuanmeng's death, we can leave it alone."

"You Xuanyuan clan are really magnanimous." Luo Xiaoman curled his lips and said mockingly: "Could it be that a human life is not as good as an artifact?"

"Of course!" There was a frenzy on the face of this Xuanyuan clan member. "The fourth artifact is born, and we Xuanyuan clan will be active in the eyes of the world again. How can Xuanyuanmeng's life compare to such a great feat?"

"I believe that she will be proud of it because she knows well."


Luo Xiaoman was contemptuous in his heart. It is estimated that Xuanyuan Meng would be mad and scolded the eighteenth generation of Xuanyuan's ancestors all over.

With her character, she would indeed do this!

"Okay." Luo Xiaoman breathed a sigh of relief, spread his hands, and said: "Since this is what the patriarch meant, then I will cooperate."

"and many more!"

When Luo Xiaoman stepped up and walked out of the cell, this clan member of the Xuanyuan clan stopped Mo Yuan and Mount Luo Mu. "You must stay."

"Yuan, you stay." Luo Xiaoman turned around and gave Mo Yuan a look. Suddenly, the two of them understood and understood each other's thoughts.

Without a word, Mo Yuan nodded and retreated with Luo Mushan.

Seeing Luo Xiaoman walk out of the cage, Luo Mushan frowned, worried: "Mo Yuan, do you think Xiaoman is in danger?"

"No." Mo Yuan said confidently: "Xiaoman already has a comprehensive plan, we can just wait for the news here. What's more, for the Xuanyuan clan, Xiaoman must not refining the fourth artifact. There will be no danger in a short time."

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