The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 1546: Part of the artifact!

"No, the artifact is complete, but this magic weapon itself is incomplete, that is to say, what is in front of us now is part of a certain magic weapon." Luo Qinghen's words made Luo Xiaoman stunned!

Is this part of a magic weapon?

Luo Xiaoman first thought of the fourth artifact, Kunlun, did Xuanyuan Linger want to use their hands to refine the fourth artifact?

"Second brother, it seems that we can't refine this magic weapon." Luo Xiaoman said solemnly.

"Xiaoman, if we don't refine this magic weapon, don't we lose?" As a refining mad demon, Luo Qinghen's heart is very eager to try to refine it in such a harsh environment, especially this is the first time. Four artifacts, this temptation is fatal to the refiner.

"Second brother, the reason why our mothers are trapped in the Xuanyuan clan is to prevent the saint woman from refining the fourth artifact. As children, how can we let our mothers down?" Luo Xiaoman sighed , Also understand Luo Qinghen's psychology.

Not to mention Luo Qinghen, even she was full of curiosity about this artifact.

However, for the sake of the overall situation, she had to suppress her inner curiosity, even if she lost, she did not hesitate.

"Xiaoman, I have a way." Luo Qinghen said slyly, "Such a good embryo is placed in front of my eyes. It is a violent thing not to toss. However, in order to prevent the birth of the artifact, I can do something secretly. "

"Second brother, what do you want to do?"

"Hey, don't worry about this, anyway, I will naturally arrange it properly."

Seeing that Luo Qinghen was full of confidence, Luo Xiaoman was no longer entangled. Anyway, she wanted to see what this fourth artifact was?

"Come on, let me see, you are amazing!" Luo Qinghen's mind sank, raised his hand to condense a flame and threw it into the furnace in front.

Suddenly, a scorching flame rose, and the heat radiated from it shook Luo Qinghen's hair.

At this time, Luo Xiaoman's body was already dominated by Luo Qinghen, and his temperament instantly changed.

As the flame was ignited, the artifact placed in it gradually responded, continuously emitting dazzling light and powerful spiritual fluctuations.

"Good fellow!" Luo Qinghen sighed secretly, and licked his lips painfully. "It's just an artifact, it has such a powerful power, it is indeed a divine tool."

At this moment, he was engrossed, constantly controlling the flame of the furnace, and the reaction of the control embryo, and then adding various materials to refine and perfect the embryo.

Because of the blindfold, Luo Qinghen had to release his spiritual mind to the maximum, paying attention to the slightest reaction of the embryo.

It is this slight reaction that is often doomed to the success or failure of a magic weapon.

At the same time, Xueqing and Wang Quan were in a deadlock.

Blind training is really too difficult for them, but in order to breathe and stand to the end, they still gritted their teeth.

The whole process is very slow.

However, Xuanyuan Ling'er was not in a hurry, her beautiful eyes gleamed with strange light, waiting for the final result.

"Patriarch, we should let everyone witness the arrival of this moment." Suddenly, Xuanyuan Linger smiled and said.

"Huh?" Xuanyuan Wuyin glanced at her with a face full of doubts, and said, "Holy woman, are you going to make this test public? After all, the artifact..."

Xuanyuan Linger shook his head, then walked up and waved his hand. "Today will be the day the artifact was born, and our people have the right to witness all this."

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