"Huh, anyway, the fourth artifact is the strongest artifact!"

Many members of the Xuanyuan clan seemed to have a belief that the fourth artifact was the strongest artifact in the world.

All because this artifact is complete and belongs to their Xuanyuan clan!

Luo Xiaoman's mind was solemn, and the artifact in front of him was completed. However, although his aura is strong, it is not enough to surpass the three magical weapons.

Whether it's Xuanyuan Sword, Eastern Emperor Bell, or Magic Ring, she has come into contact with it. Compared with the fourth artifact, Kunlun, it is definitely not weaker than it!

She was suspicious and looked at Kunlun again.

The Kunlun in front of me is just a doll, with closed eyes, long eyelashes, smooth torso, slender limbs, nice face, but no hair, giving people a blunt feeling, and the general gave him It feels exactly the same.

and many more!

Like the general, there is no...soul!

"Mr. Ruo!" Suddenly, the corners of Xuanyuan Ling'er's lips curled up in a strange arc, looking enthusiastically at Kunlun floating in mid-air. "You said that everything can be forged, but people are not among them, right?"

"Yes!" Luo Qinghen nodded, and said in a deep voice: "Refining tools, refining tools, only dead things, people are living things, there are ways to cultivate, of course you can't use refining tools!

"No!" Xuanyuan Ling'er shook his head, a strange light flashed across her beautiful eyes. "Humans can not only cultivate, but can also be used for refining tools. However, the term refining tools is not accurate enough. It should be said that they are refining creatures!"

"What I am refining now is not a dead thing, but a living being with flesh and blood." She became excited inexplicably and said frantically: "This is the real thing that can be cultivated!"

"Sacrifice?!" Luo Qinghen's mind tightened, Xuanyuan Ling'er's statement confirmed his guess just now. "You are really crazy! It is against the law of heaven to even want to sacrifice a magic weapon with a creature as a sacrifice!"

"Is it against the way of heaven?" Xuanyuan Ling'er squinted over, and those eyes were already blood red with excitement. "Then, I will go against this heaven and rewrite the rules of heaven and earth!"

The next moment, she raised her hand, and an invisible force exploded, sucking a person from a distance.


Seeing this figure, Luo Xiaoman and Luo Qinghen couldn't help but trembled and almost exclaimed.

However, they still pressed their patience and did not dare to say anything.

"Today, I will sacrifice my former saint to the fourth artifact, Kunlun!" Xuanyuan Linger said loudly, "She will atone for her betrayal of Xuanyuan!"

"Sacrifice her!"

For a moment, the Xuanyuan clan members all shouted excitedly.

In their eyes, Xian'er was a traitor. It was her honor to be used to sacrifice Kunlun, and she deserved it.

"It's funny, it's really funny!" Suddenly, Luo Qinghen curled the corners of her lips and showed a crazy smile. "You deserve to be the saint of the Xuanyuan clan, Ruo-mou is ashamed of such a comprehension!"

Xuanyuan Ling'er squinted over and stared at him deeply.

Under her fierce gaze, Luo Qinghen sank his heart and said fanatically: "Saint, I will definitely help you complete this pioneering work!"

"Haha, Mr. Ruo, your comprehension is not bad!" Xuanyuan Ling'er seemed to approve Luo Qinghen's intention, and then stared at the imprisoned Xian'er. "Sister, you will be with the Xuanyuan clan!"

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