The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 1573: Donghuang Bell was also taken!

"That's right!" Xian'er nodded, looked at Kunlun again, and said: "The first generation saint, after separating the three artifacts from Kunlun, she sealed Kunlun's embryos. Because she discovered by accident, Kunlun artifact embryos have spiritual wisdom from the very beginning, and bit by bit swallows heaven and earth aura, repairing themselves."

"If it weren't for the seal of the first saint, I'm afraid Kunlun has completed its self-repair. Linger's so-called refining is just to clear the seal of the first saint and speed up Kunlun's self-repair."

Hearing this, Luo Xiaoman's heart was shocked, and he didn't expect Kunlun to repair and refine itself. How strange is this?

However, Xuanyuan Ling'er thought how powerful he was to complete the refining of the fourth divine tool, it was nothing but a joke in the end.

"That is to say, Kunlun is the nurturing of heaven and earth. There is no right and wrong. Once born, there is only destruction." Xian'er sighed and said helplessly: "At the beginning, I also thought about refining Kunlun, but later discovered the first generation. The saint’s good intentions, let it go."

"Who knows, Ling'er will go astray..."

"Shut up!!" At this time, Xuanyuan Wuyin looked over and coldly shouted, "Kunlun, it is the treasure of the Xuanyuan clan that God bestowed on me, so how could it be an evil thing?! Xuanyuan Xian'er, I think you are the trouble. My demon from Xuanyuan!"

For a moment, the gazes of the Xuanyuan family members looked over, showing deep hostility towards Xian'er.

"Oh? I still feel another part of the breath." Suddenly, Kunlun turned his gaze to Mount Luomu and said coldly: "However, it seems to be incomplete."

"What?!" Luo Mushan's pupils shrank and exclaimed: "He still sensed the Eastern Emperor Bell on my body?!"

"Come on!" Kunlun raised his hand and grabbed it suddenly, "Back to me!"

Suddenly, an irreversible force broke out and struck towards Mount Luomu.

Who is Luo Mushan, how can he let it be slaughtered, and immediately burst out an aura to resist Kunlun's power.

It's just that Kunlun's power is too domineering, no matter how stubborn Mount Luo Mu resists, there is no way to stop the invasion of this force.

"Master, quickly hand over the Eastern Emperor Bell!" Looking at Luo Mushan, who was blushing and insisted, Xian'er understood that if the Eastern Emperor Bell was not abandoned, the master would definitely be killed by Kunlun.

"Bad girl, I... can't you give it?" Everyone thought that Luo Mushan was very tough. Who knew that the next moment he took out the Eastern Emperor Bell and threw it to Kunlun.

Hurry up!

The Eastern Emperor Bell made a buzzing sound, and then hovered under the heavenly spirit of Kunlun, making its momentum even more dignified and domineering.


The Donghuang Bell split in half, splitting left and right, and clasped it on Kunlun's shoulder.

Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned. Unexpectedly, Kunlun turned the East Emperor Bell into two shoulder guards and put them on his body.

"Go!" Suddenly, Mo Yuan shouted in a low voice. Taking advantage of this opportunity, he hugged Luo Xiaoman and rushed towards the Xuanyuan clan who was blocking him.

At the same time, Da Bai and Chi Chi understood their minds, took Mount Luomu and Xian'er, and followed them together.

As for the general, there is also the dragon, behind the palace.

If there is no accident, with their strength, they can rush out.

However, Xuanyuan Zhan came over and blocked the crowd in front of them, his eyes gleaming hideously. "Today, none of you want to leave!!"

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