After speaking, he disappeared in front of everyone when his figure moved, but he returned to the cage.

Xuanyuan Wuyin sighed deeply. As the patriarch of the Xuanyuan clan, he could not shirk the blame for today's disaster.

However, Xuanyuan Wushuang was right. They Xuanyuan clan was too self-esteem and rejected communication with the outside world.

It was not that the hidden world chose them, but they chose the hidden world!

"Patriarch, I'm sorry, Zhan failed to protect the Xuanyuan clan." Xuanyuan Zhan walked over, knelt suddenly, and said ashamed: "Please give me your sin!"

"Zhan, you have done your best! But the enemy is too strong, we can't fight." Looking at the bloodstained and embarrassed Xuanyuan Zhan, Xuanyuan Wuyin shook his head and sighed: "Today's shame, I hope you all remember, Our Xuanyuan clan is no longer the largest family. If I want to stand firm in this troubled world, I must redeem myself!"

For a while, the members of the Xuanyuan clan fell into deep thought, seeming to reflect on what they have done over the years? Didn't you try your best to improve the cultivation base, and did you not have more refiners!

The Qiang family was originally weaker than them, but now they are so strong. They have such a deep foundation, so how can they lose?

"Patriarch!" At this moment, a member of the Xuanyuan clan rushed over and said, "Master Kunlun is gone."

"What!?" Xuanyuan Wuyin's pupils shrank, and then he hurried to where Kunlun landed. However, there is only one pit, and there is no other.

"How is it possible? Luo Xiaoman and the Qiang family haven't touched Master Kunlun, so why have they disappeared?" Although Qiang Heng appeared just now and caught them by surprise, Xuanyuan Wuyin always paid attention to Kunlun's situation.

In any case, Kunlun was only temporarily in a coma, as long as he was given time, the ban on Kunlun would definitely be lifted.

It's just that Kunlun disappeared without waiting for him to retrieve Kunlun.

"Look, find it for me!" Xuanyuan Wuyin gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice, "At all costs, find Lord Kunlun. This is my hope for Xuanyuan to stand up!!"

For a while, the Xuanyuan clan had not recollected the sorrow, and then plunged into the event of finding traces of Kunlun.

After coming out of Yanhuang Village, Luo Xiaoman kept following Qiang Heng without saying a word.

She was already convinced that the space was blocked, it must be the ghost of the Qiang clan, otherwise all this would not make sense.

The reason they were in such trouble was nothing more than to let her join the Celestial Cultivation Army in a month.

"Little guy, don't you have any questions at all?" Suddenly, Qiang Heng seemed to be unable to restrain his inner curiosity, stood still, turned his head and asked.

"Heh, what can I have?" Luo Xiaoman curled his lips and said mockingly: "You Qiang family has already calculated everything, and even the timing of your appearance has been choked to death. What do you think I have? "

Qiang Heng raised his eyebrows and looked at Luo Xiaoman suspiciously. "Do you know everything?"

"Tsk tusk, see what do you think I know?" Luo Xiaoman hooked his lips, raised his hand to grab a lollipop, and said meaningfully.

"You little fellow, it's interesting." Qiang Heng grinned, his ruddy face added a hint of affection for Luo Xiaoman.

This little guy is really arrogant and ghostly, but it is inexplicably likable.

He was still very disdainful, for such a little guy, as for such a big fight? However, looking at it now, the boys are right.

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