The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 1582: Something happened to Mo Yuan!

"Miss Luo, I almost forgot, I have one more thing for you." When Luo Xiaoman was about to leave, Qiang Wenyi called her again.

"Huh?" Luo Xiaoman turned around and looked at him suspiciously.

Regarding her vigilance, Qiang Wenyi kept smiling, took out a jade talisman, and handed it over. "This is for you."

"What?" Luo Xiaoman didn't take it, raising her eyes to look at Qiang Wenyi, she didn't dare to take things from the Qiang clan casually.

"You will need it." Qiang Wenyi didn't say clearly, and directly stuffed this thing into Luo Xiaoman's hand. "Don't worry, this is just a jade talisman, and our Qiang family will not ask for anything in return. It is purely a small gift."

After speaking, he waved his hand and led the Qiang army to leave the Hanyou Forest first.

When Qiang Wenyi stepped out of the Hanyou Forest, an old man in a gray robe stood not far away, playing with a yellow flower.

"Mr. Ling, Luo Xiaoman refused!" Qiang Wenyi walked over and said helplessly: "This is not right with what you predicted at the time."

"Little guy, don't worry." Ling Tian curled his lips and said unpredictably, "Everything is expected."

"Huh?" Qiang Wenyi was startled slightly, and said in doubt: "Mr. Ling, this round we set up really made Luo Xiaoman owe us favors. However, her attitude is very firm, favors can be owed, but not Will join us."

"Of course." Ling Tian stared at the yellow flower in his hand, and said lightly: "Luo Xiaoman's character is stubborn and assertive. She owes you the Qiang family a favor, and it is impossible to change her original position. "

"This..." Qiang Wenyi was slanderous, your old man knows, why bother with so much effort?

Not only that, he even invited his grandfather out. If he doesn't ask for something, he will definitely be complained by several brothers.

"Little guy, you don't have to question the old man." Ling Tian raised his eyes and stared at Qiang Wenyi, and he saw through his careful thoughts at a glance. "Soon, Luo Xiaoman will take the initiative to find you."

"Really?" Qiang Wenyi's eyes lit up, and he saw the yellow flower in Ling Tian's hand withering and withering little by little, and finally turned into a fly ash.



Luo Xiaoman squeezed the jade talisman with a face of doubt, unable to understand the meaning of Qiang text.


When she was about to look at the contents of the jade charm, Mo Yuan next to her groaned. His face instantly turned pale and quickly turned ruddy. This change made her panic instantly.

"Yuan, what's the matter with you?"

Mo Yuan glanced at Luo Xiaoman, trying to soothe him, but found that he was so weak that he didn't even have the strength to speak.

"I'll take a look." Xian'er walked over, squeezing Mo Yuan's wrist with one hand, and then plunged a strand of true essence in.

When she checked Mo Yuan's situation, her brows couldn't help but frowned, her expression becoming very solemn.

"Mother, what happened to Yuan?"

"Xiaoman, there is a force raging in Mo Yuan, and he has already shredded a lot of meridians. If this continues, I'm afraid he..."

Xian'er did not go on, but everyone understood it!

If this continues, Mo Yuan will... die!

"In addition, this force seems to be looking for a target, as if to break through some kind of restriction." Then Xian'er added another sentence.

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