"Little Yanzi, do you want something?" Lin Sansheng took a handful of melon seeds and handed it over, "This tastes good!"


Ling Yan pursed her lips, put her hands on her cheeks, stared at Ye Canglan's side, and said, "Mouse, when will the young lady come back? If the young lady is there, just take care of the coalition forces of his country and all the forces fly."

"Yeah!" Lin Sanxing stopped holding the melon seeds, sighed, and said, "If the little lady is here, they will be in luck!

"I'm worried now, will something happen to the little lady..." Ling Yan frowned, feeling uneasy in her heart.

Since her cultivation base was good enough to control more evil spirits, her sixth sense has become stronger and stronger.

Just like not long ago, the ghost road entered the world, causing a large number of evils to wreak havoc, which she discovered in the first time. Due to the timely discovery and the rapid response of the court, the evil spirits were quickly brought under control, minimizing casualties.

However, Ghost Dao only appeared once, and then fell silent again. I don't know what I was considering? This made Ling Yan very uneasy, and had been vigilant against ghosts these days.

Ghosts are different from evil creatures, they are creatures of flesh and blood.

However, their bodies contain various evils and possess weird abilities. Once they enter the world, they will only cause panic on one side.

Looking at Ling Yan's frowning brows, Lin Sanxing was very disturbed, and he wished to hold this lovely person in his arms and gently smooth the frowning brows.

However, so far, Ling Yan's feelings for him have only been for his brother's sake, which makes him unrequited love very uncomfortable.

"Which country are you from?" Ye Canglan asked for a long time.

His tone was very light, but he showed an undoubted pressure, as if he wanted to shake the opponent's psychological defense.

"Hmph, we are just for money!" The masked man curled his lips and said disdainfully: "Since you have been caught now, then you must kill or slash, you can do whatever you want!"

Ye Canglan frowned, and knew in his heart that the people who could be dispatched were often hard stubble, and it was not easy to open their mouths.

He raised his hand and pulled off the mask of the masked man, revealing a face full of scars.

Ye Canglan's pupils shrank, and he took a deep breath, and quickly ordered Yacha: "Take off all the masks of the other masked people!"

Immediately, the Yashas took off the masks of these people one after another.

When the masks of these people were taken off, Ye Canglan's eyes sank. He didn't guess wrong, and the faces of these people were ruined.

In order to prevent these people from revealing their identities, their master cruelly ruined their appearance. Such a method is extremely cruel.

"Hahahaha, I didn't expect it!" The original masked man laughed and said contemptuously, "Jamie Ye, might as well tell you, since we are here, then we never thought of going back!"

"Huh?!" Ye Canglan's mind tightened, then he thought of something and exclaimed: "No, everyone immediately withdraws from the profound concentrate!"

However, as soon as the words were finished, evil spirits emerged from all directions, completely surrounding the place.

Just now, Ling Yan's evil spirit surrounded the audience, but now it is the opponent!

"Hahaha!" The masked man flushed with excitement, his eyes flashed with crazy colors. "You are all going to die, you are going to die!!"

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