The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 1595: Little Swallow, actually...

"Patriarch Ye?!"

Lin Sanxing's heart trembled, staring closely at this man who desperately resisted the attacking ghost road, fighting for them a chance to kill!

No matter how many injuries he has on his body, or how many heavy blows he has received, he cannot make this man take a step back.

Not only that, he also saw every yaksha, not afraid of death, even if it was dead, he had to pull down a ghostly way and sacrifice heroically!

Looking at so many families, apart from their Luo family, which family can be compared with Ye family?

This is the arrogance of a big family!

"Mouse!!" Ye Canglan couldn't help but urged as the pressure grew.

"Ah!!!" Lin Sansheng recovered, shouted violently, and then rushed over quickly.

Patriarch Ye is right, he can't waste the opportunity they created for himself, because this is all exchanged for their flesh and blood!

Boom boom boom!

Lin Sanxing was like an angry bull, stepping on the ground, bursting out with a strong impact, and flew out with his body.

In order not to scare Ling Yan, he stretched out his hand to cover her eyes, and he could bear these horrible images alone.

"Here!" Lin Sansheng's pupils shrank, and then he slammed into the breach.

However, just as he was about to rush out, a stone wall rose up, blocking himself.

what? !

Lin Sanxing quickly stopped, turned around, stepped on these stone walls and stopped.

Boom boom boom!

In the next moment, more stone walls rose up, enclosing this place into a cage, sealing Lin Sansheng, Ye Canglan and the others.

"Heh, it seems that they are well prepared and determined to catch us all at once." Ye Canglan took a bite of blood, narrowed his eyes, and said in a deep voice, "Mouse, are you ready?"

"Do you still need to talk?" Lin Sanshen curled his lips and said disdainfully: "I'm also afraid that they are not ruthless enough. It's all right now. Let me concentrate on staying here to fight!"

Ye Canglan was startled slightly, and then shook his head helplessly. They couldn't escape now, they could only resist desperately to the last moment.

It can be said that what they are fighting against is not one force, but the four countries! !

"Mouse!" At this moment, Ling Yan pulled away Lin Sansheng and covered her eyes. Seeing this scene before her eyes, Ling Yan couldn't help but trembled. "Can we...can't escape?"

"Little Yanzi, there is something I want to say to you for a long time." Suddenly, Lin Sanxing turned around and looked at Ling Yan seriously.

At this time, countless evil spirits filled the entire space, and the ghosts were pressing harder.

However, facing this kind of battle, Lin Sanxing was not scared, only afraid of the words in his heart, and he couldn't tell Ling Yan to death.

"Yasha, and Luo family, Ye family's, kill me!!" Ye Canglan glanced at Lin Sansheng, then smiled intently, and killed him.

He wants to buy some more time for Lin Sansheng.

"Mouse, I'll talk about it later, Patriarch Ye and the others are very dangerous now!" Ling Yan couldn't help but said anxiously as he watched Ye Canglan's struggle with them.

"No, I have to say it." Lin Sanxing shook his head, staring at Ling Yan with fiery eyes. "If you don't say it again, I'm afraid there will be no chance to say it in the future."

Ling Yan was startled slightly and looked at Lin Sanxing blankly. She didn't know what else was important to kill the enemy at this time.

"Little Yanzi, actually..."

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