"Hmph, she's just a girl, how much can Hong Nanguo suffer?" General Rao pouted and said disdainfully.

"General Qi, your reaction is too much." General Lin shook his head and said helplessly, not feeling that Luo Xiaoman was terrifying at all.

General Qi opened his mouth, wanting to explain, but when he thought of Luo Xiaoman's actions towards Hong Nanguo, he couldn't help closing his mouth.

Even if he told these guys, he wouldn't believe it.

After all, it is an unprecedented thing to repel the 100,000 elite soldiers of Hongnan Kingdom with one person!

"Three generals, I can understand your feelings. However, if Luo Xiaoman participates in the fighting, we will definitely lose." General Qi said solemnly.

"Hahaha!" General Liu smiled, and said disapprovingly: "General Qi, you just said Zhu Yanguo counseled, but now it is you Hongnanguo who is the most persuaded?"

"General Liu..."

"You don't need to say more." General Liu waved his hand and said coldly: "We Feiyun Country will never back down!"

"We are also clear of water!"

"We are the same as Shi Mingguo!"

General Lin and General Rao also expressed their positions.

No matter how powerful Luo Xiaoman is, the three of them will never retreat and resist each other to the end.

What's more, their representatives are by no means inferior to each other!

"you guys……"

Before General Qi finished speaking, there was a roar.

Everyone couldn't help but looked over, and saw an imposing team marching over.

They wore the same costumes, and their bodies were full of evil spirits, which made people tremble.

"It's the evil spirit!!"

"What's the matter? Why did the evil spirit run here?"

"Huh, do you want to take advantage of our five-nation warfare to fish in troubled waters?"

Several generals were gloomy, staring at the devil's team.

They have had a lot of understanding of the evil spirit, this is the mortal enemy of the right way, with great strength and vitality. Even if the battle between good and evil many years ago was severely injured by the Qingcang ten sect, he still survived.

"All the soldiers listen to the order and prepare for battle!"

All of a sudden, the armies of the four countries have set up their positions one after another, seeming to deter the evil spirits.

However, the next moment, they are all trapped!

"The twelfth house of the evil spirits, I have seen the concubine!" Zhong Li led the twelfth house of the evil spirits and gave a big gift to Luo Xiaoman.

These battles shocked not only the four countries, but also the people of Zhu Yanguo.

Unexpectedly, the twelfth house of the evil spirits, who was crusaded by the right way, would be so respectful to Luo Xiaoman. This was something they couldn't imagine.

But now the facts are in front of them, let them understand one thing.

Mo Sha was also subdued by Luo Xiaoman!

The generals of the Four Kingdoms were stunned, completely shocked by the scene before them.

What a terrible force is the evil spirit?

They have struggled with the Qingcang ten sects, and they have always been stubborn. It's just such a behemoth that has surrendered to a girl. Is this world about to change?


At this time, another roar came.

Everyone saw a team rushing over again.

"Heh, don't tell me, this is Luo Xiaoman's again?" General Liu's mouth twitched and his throat tightened. Even if he didn't want to believe it, he was shocked by Luo Xiaoman's magic.

"It's Luo Xuanzong!" General Qi's pupils shrank, and he recognized this team. "This is a sect that has recently emerged. It is very strong and no weaker than other sects.

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