"Take me a punch!!"

The Mongolian side gave a low cry and waved his fist, blasting towards Zhi Wu like a gust of wind.

This punch, with unparalleled power, has caused ripples in space wherever it goes, showing its power.

"Ouch, this punch is good!" Zhi Wu's eyes lit up, and then he stood in front of Hu Yanxiu, sneered: "Xiao Xiuxiu, don't make a move, let me see how strong his punch is!! "

Hu Yanxiu glanced at him, then stepped back silently, without any intention of arguing with him!

Suddenly, Zhi Wu rushed into his horse, clenched his fists, twisted his waist, and greeted the Mongolian punch.

"Hmph, kill yourself!!" Seeing that Zhi Wu didn't hide, the Mongolian side greeted him with disdain. In his eyes, this is simply suicidal behavior.

This punch contains his ten successful powers!

Even if there was a diamond wall in front of him, he was smashed to pieces by his own punch, not to mention the burning dance of a mortal body.

With a bang!

Zhi Wu and Mongolia's fists met!

A terrifying vigor erupted and fed back to the two of them through the gap where the fists touched.


Meng Fang snorted, his eyes widened, and he stared at Zhi Wu in disbelief.

This guy actually blocked his punch?

How can this be?

"Wow, it hurts!!" Zhi Wu screamed, and suddenly retracted his fist, flicking and blowing.

Although he looked embarrassed, the Mongolian side understood that compared with himself, he received a lot less backlash.

The strength of this guy, I'm afraid to be higher than him.

Suddenly, the Meng Fang swept the crowd around, and he felt a bit of a heartache, and realized a very serious problem.

Eight of them, and two of them hit each other, and they have not yet gained the upper hand. What is this?

"Liang Qi!!" The Mongolian side shouted and quickly called his partner back. "Don't fight with them!"

"Meng Fang, what's the matter?" Liang Qi frowned, glanced at Meng Fang's fist, and found that his hand was trembling.

His mind was tense. Could it be that the Mongolian side suffered a loss in the fist just now?

How can this be?

At this time, the representatives of the other three countries, also aware of the strangeness, quickly withdrew and stood beside Mongolia.

"It seems that we have all been fooled!" Shui Qingguo's face was gloomy and coldly said: "We are eight to two, but still can't get the upper hand. These guys are afraid to play us as monkeys!!"

"What?!" Shui Miaomiao from Shui Qingguo, Bi Liang from Shi Mingguo, Ma Ying, and Lu Ping from Feiyunguo, the laypersons were all dignified, not to mention or not know, they were shocked!

"Hey, what's the matter with you? Why didn't you fight anymore?" Zhi Wu squeezed his fist and shouted, "Where was your prestige?"

At this time, the representatives of the four countries were no longer arrogant.

Because they all understand the fact that they are worse than Zhi Wu and Hu Yanxiu.

"Zhi Wu, they can see it." Hu Yanxiu walked up and said lightly: "They realize that they are inferior to us."

"Huh?" Zhi Wu scratched his head, and said dejectedly: "I haven't had enough fun yet, is this a help?"

The corners of Meng Fang's mouth twitched, and he stared at Zhi Wu with a look of resentment. They are all outstanding young people in their respective countries, with countless glory on their heads and countless auras on their feet, but they are now being played by Zhu Yanguo's two young men.

There are representatives of other countries who are in the same mood as him.

Which one of them is not the proud son of heaven, where can he stand such anger?

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