The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 1628: Powerful repayment period!

Hu Yanxiu ignored these attacks, and the light wheel behind him spurred a terrible power to block all these attacks.

He raised his hand and pointed violently at the long sword that hit the octopole array. "Give me, break!!"

The voice fell, the light wheel shone, and a tyrannical aura broke out instantly and merged into the long sword.

The long sword paused abruptly, and then shone radiantly, shredding the octopole array alive.

Puff puff!

The Mongolian side, as well as other people, were backlashed by the Octopus array, all vomiting blood, and fell to the ground.

They looked at Hu Yanxiu with horror on their faces, and finally realized the power of the vain period. Although their strength is also on the ninth level of the Deity Transformation Stage, they are not even worse than the Return Stage.

Zhu Yanguo's people were stunned, but Hu Yanxiu made them handsome.

The people of the Four-Nation Alliance were also shocked, but they were shocked by Hu Yanxiu!

"Xiaoman, is it that Huyan Xiu will break through, all within your grasp?" Luo Mushan saw Luo Xiaoman showing a faint smile, and couldn't help but wonder.

Luo Xiaoman shrugged and did not deny it, but everyone believed that she must have expected it!

In fact, it is not difficult to judge if you think about it carefully, Hu Yanxiu will break through the stage of transforming gods and enter the stage of repayment.

At the beginning, Hu Yanxiu was already half a step back, and he was just so close to breaking through. It's just that, to break through a realm, it's not just a simple practice that can be crossed over. It depends on opportunities.

Zhi Wu is an opportunity for Hu Yanxiu!

The Mongolian side watched Hu Yanxiu approach step by step, and his heart trembled. The pressure that was still vain came like a tide, making his body weak.

"You hurry up!" He yelled, and said anxiously: "If we join hands, we may still have a ray of life. Otherwise, we will die!"

The representatives of other countries also understood this truth, and then forced their bodies to surround Hu Yanxiu.

Hu Yanxiu stopped and glanced at these guys who wanted to resist. "dead!"

A word sound was spit out, and a chill burst out of his body, which instantly condensed into ice crystals and flew towards them.

"Asshole! Don't underestimate us!" Shui Yirong let out a cold voice, then greeted the ice crystal and slammed towards Hu Yanxiu.

It's just that the ice crystals are fierce, like the water arrows of the octopole array, and even stronger. Even if Shui Geng tried his best, it would be difficult to resist an injury.

"Wow!" Shui Gai spit out blood, and when he returned, several ice crystals had been inserted into his body. Not only him, but other people were also covered with ice crystals, kneeling heavily on the ground.

Perhaps because Hu Yanxiu kept his hands specially, none of these ice crystals hit their vitals.

At this moment, everyone looked at Hu Yanxiu, full of fear.

Does this guy want to torture himself slowly?

At this time, Hu Yanxiu's gaze fell on Mongolia's body. "You are the culprit who injured Zhi Wu! So, I will kill you first!"

"Haha, you really surprised me." Meng Fang twitched the corner of his mouth, staring at Hu Yanxiu gloomily. "But you want to kill me, it's too early."

When the voice fell, the Mongolian side took out a jade talisman, with a crazy color in his eyes. "Originally, I didn't intend to use this thing, after all, the price is too great! But, in order to win, in order to kill you, even if it is to pay a high price, I will not hesitate!!"

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