The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 1636: I haven't lost yet!

"Zhi Wu!" At this time, Hu Yanxiu stared at Zhi Wu, his eyes swept across his eight arms. "Now tell me, what's the matter with you?"

Zhi Wu turned around and glanced at her eight arms, also confused. "I don't know either! I suddenly felt my body full of strength, and then these eight arms appeared."

"Tsk, I don't know if this arm can be retracted, otherwise, it's scary." Just as Zhi Wu's thought came up, the eight arms immediately returned to the cage, and were collected into his body.

"Hey, you can really take it back." Zhi Wu's eyes lit up and she exclaimed. "Can that be released?"

As soon as the thought came out, the six arms came out again with a shrill sound.

"Hahaha, fun!" Zhi Wu said cheerfully: "Will I become an eight-armed weirdo in the future... Bah, this is too ugly! It should be the eight-armed king!!"

Seeing Zhi Wu still looking funny, Hu Yanxiu breathed a sigh of relief inexplicably, no matter how this guy's body changed, he was still him, and he who was so funny was beaten.

"Little, Xiaoman, what's going on?" Luo Mushan blinked and looked at Zhi Wu blankly.

Suddenly, Zhu Yanguo's people all looked over.

Although Zhi Wu defeated Mongolia, his own changes made everyone feel uneasy.

"Let's not talk about this first." Luo Xiaoman stretched out, then patted Dabai, and made him jump on the martial arts stage. "I have to settle accounts with the four countries first."

Seeing Luo Xiaoman didn't answer his question, Luo Mushan was uncomfortable.

Why did Zhi Wu change six arms? Why did he suddenly become so strong? Why on earth? Same as him, Tong Ming, and the entire Qinhuai City!

However, Luo Xiaoman didn't say anything, they couldn't ask them!

"Second princess." Luo Xiaoman glanced at Qiang Wenting, and said lightly: "Is it time for the verdict of this fighting?"

Qiang Wenting nodded, then stood up and said: "This time the Five Kingdoms fight, the winner..."

"Wait!" Suddenly, from the rubble, the Mongolian side struggled to stand up. "I, I, haven't lost yet!"

The four-nation coalition was overjoyed, thinking that Mongolia would still be able to fight again, but seeing his state, they couldn't help but sink.

The current Mongolian party not only suffered injuries, but also had two broken arms, especially the original young face, which has rapidly aged, like an old man.

This is the price of using the original jade talisman!

"You have already lost!" Qiang Wenting frowned slightly, staring at the Mongolian side coldly.

"No, I didn't lose, I can still fight!" Mongolia wanted to come over, but he was weak and didn't even have the strength to move.

General Qi couldn't stand it anymore, he walked up with his figure moving, and supported the Mongolian side. "Okay! You have done enough for Hong Nan Guo."

"General Qi, I can still fight!" The Mongolian side turned his head and said unwillingly: "I am Hong Nanguo, no, I am the number one genius in the world, so how can I lose!!"

General Qi looked at Mongolia's eyes, filled with unwillingness and anger!

He can't afford to lose!

This is not only this battle, but also his whole life.

Once you lose, your life will end here!

Therefore, he is so persistent, even if he still has a breath, he is not willing to admit that he has failed.

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