"You are right!" At this moment, Luo Xiaoman turned around and smiled at everyone. "I want Qinhuai City to become a holy place for cultivation that everyone yearns for."

After getting her affirmation, everyone couldn't help taking a breath.

Their hearts were excited and beyond words, they could only stare at Luo Xiaoman with scorching eyes.

"In the future, Qinhuai City will not only be as simple as the imperial capital, but a floating city above the heavens and the earth." Luo Xiaoman's voice was not loud, but it shook everyone's eardrums. "This will be the place where every cultivator is eager to come to the pilgrimage."

Cultivation holy land, floating city, these two concepts took root in the hearts of everyone, arousing their excitement.

They are very fortunate to be born in Qinhuai City.

They are very fortunate to be able to witness the birth of this legend.

They are very fortunate to be able to meet Luo Xiaoman in their lifetime!


The nine-story exquisite pagoda, constantly rippling with rich spiritual energy, quickly turned Qinhuai City into a place full of spiritual energy, which was much richer than the spiritual energy of some secret realms.

Not only that, as long as the nine-story Linglong Pagoda always exists, it can continuously produce aura.

Even if the aura is lacking, you can still use the profound essence as a supply, so that the aura here can be maintained!

"Second brother!!"

Following Luo Xiaoman's call, Luo Qinghen, who had been waiting for a long time, brightened his eyes and waved his hand suddenly.

Suddenly, the cannon fodder squads that were already in place began to move.

They rushed out like a tide, encircling the entire Qinhuai City, and unleashing a powerful force.

Immediately afterwards, their power was linked into one, condensed into a barrier, covering Qinhuai City.

"This is to completely lock the spiritual energy in Qinhuai City!"

"Hahaha, great! Such a strong aura, of course, can not be leaked, it is cheaper for others!"

"I am a member of Qinhuai City, I am proud!"

Everyone was excited and cheered for Luo Xiaoman's feat.

This miracle is exclusive to Qinhuai City, exclusive to them!

"It's done!" Luo Xiaoman breathed a sigh of relief, seeing that the nine-story Linglong Pagoda had stabilized, so there was no need to bother.

"Xiaoman, why do you want to do such a thing?" Kunlun glanced at Luo Xiaoman, and asked puzzledly: "You seem to have taken a lot of attention."

"Because they are all important to me." Luo Xiaoman curled his lips, showing a bright smile.

This brilliant smile was dazzling and beautiful, like a ray of light, illuminating Kunlun's heart.

"I like your smile, it's very warm."

"Of course." Luo Xiaoman swept a circle of cheering people and said lightly: "I will be happy when I see the people I care about happy."

Who cares?

Kunlun tilted his head, thinking about this problem, the people who care...

Xiao Man is happy, he is also happy, that is to say, Xiao Man is the one he cares about.

At the thought of this, Kunlun's mouth twitched, evoking an arc of a smile.

"Kunlun!" Suddenly, Luo Xiaoman looked at him seriously. "You are the one I care about."

Kunlun was startled slightly, then nodded. "What you care about is what I care about, and I will keep them happy!"

The voice fell, and his body slowly floated.

Everyone was startled slightly, and they all looked at him in unison.

"Huh, what is he doing?"

"do not know!"

"This is Xiaoman, it shouldn't be a bad thing!"

"Xiao Kun, what are you doing?" Luo Xiaoman frowned and looked at him suspiciously. Although she believed Kunlun would not threaten Qinhuai City, the behavior of this guy made her a little puzzled.

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