"Now the troubled times are about to rise, we must gather all our strength to attack the enemy together." Luo Xiaoman clenched his fist sharply and said with a hot expression: "This is also what King Shura meant."

Even without the latter sentence, Ruth would try her best to persuade other Asura generals to move the entire Asura Dao to Qinhuai City.

What's more, the other Shura generals have a very close relationship with Luo Xiaoman, and I believe they will also agree to move over without saying more.

The most important thing is that the spiritual energy here is abundant, and it is more suitable for cultivation than the Asura Way.

Of course, even though the aura here is different from the Asura Dao, after the integration of the Three Realms and the Six Paths, the difference here no longer exists.

"Zhong Li!" At this moment, Luo Xiaoman looked at Zhong Li again, just about to speak, but was interrupted.

"Devil Concubine, you don't need to say more. Our Demon Sha will move to Qinhuai City today." Zhong Li pressed his fist against his heart and smiled at Luo Xiaoman knowingly.

The reason why he is so decisive is that the evil spirit has been hiding for so long, and finally has the opportunity to truly enter the world with integrity, and the second is that there is such a good training place, who will not come, who is an idiot!

"By the way, Concubine, there is one more thing to tell you."


"Not long ago, there was a weird phenomenon in the headquarters of the evil spirit." Zhong Li frowned, and said solemnly: "A devilish energy that didn't know where it came from appeared and disappeared. At first, we were still vigilant. Later, I discovered that this demonic energy was not malicious, so I didn't care about it either."

"It's just that now this devilish energy is becoming more and more active, I'm afraid it is the devil world that is sending us a message?"

"Probably not." Luo Xiaoman shook his head and said: "The Demon Realm is now coming to the Human Realm just like the ethereal immortal realm. If anything happens, it won't be told in this way.

Zhong Li nodded clearly, it was indeed the case. It's just that, even though the demon world descends on the human world, why don't the people of the demon world come in contact with themselves?

Could it be that their evil spirit is weak and they are regarded as abandoned children?

"Zhong Li, no matter what, you should pay close attention to it. If there is any abnormality, report it to me immediately." Luo Xiaoman mused and added.


After doing this, Luo Xiaoman turned around and said to Lan Xi: "Now the nine-story Linglong Pagoda is open, and you let all the disciples enter the practice. Three days later, whoever has made the most progress will be able to compete in the Ten Grand Competition."


Qinhuai City was full of aura and became a sacred place for cultivation, and soon spread to every corner of Zhu Yanguo.

For a time, many practitioners flocked to Qinhuai City and wanted to occupy a place.

They even received news that Qinhuai City will undergo earth-shaking changes at the end of the month, and it may become a spectacle in the entire Central Plains.

For this reason, they are fighting to break their heads and enter Qinhuai City.

"Father, now Qinhuai City is facing an unprecedented challenge!" Zhu Ying frowned and said with a solemn expression: "All cultivators from all over the world must join Qinhuai City. Although it is a good thing to have so many cultivators joining, it is so. Once a huge number of cultivators are stationed in Qinhuai City, there will be endless disasters."

Zhu Yingtian nodded clearly.

As the king of a country, he naturally understands the key to the problem.

If it is one or two hundred people, they can accept it, but thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of cultivators will join Qinhuai City, which will definitely cause confusion.

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