It is estimated that the Lord Qingcang never expected that she, who was once a frivolous Luo, would actually learn the secrets hidden by the Ten Big Bi.

She doesn’t know what magical phantom core is, or whether other sects know the existence of phantom core. The only thing she knows is that this phantom core will quietly be in every ten comparisons. Absorb the talents of these disciples participating in the competition.

Many of the disciples who participated in the Ten Great Competitions, after returning home, basically fell silent, turning from a genius to an unknown little person.

They thought they were sick and tried their best to seek medical treatment, but no matter how powerful alchemist they were, they couldn't cure their illness.

It's all because they are not sick, but have no talent!

Out of trust in Qingcang, the ten major sects didn't seem to evaluate the ten major sects, only that it was the fate of those disciples.

Had it not been for Luo Xiaoman's accidental collision, he met a disciple of a certain sect who was chased by the Qing Cang guard, and learned of the existence of the phantom core from his mouth, he would have no way of knowing such a strange phenomenon, it turned out to be a phantom. Caused by the spiritual core.

"Xiaoman, do you mean that the Phantom Core can swallow our talents?" After listening to Luo Xiaoman's explanation, Lan Xi was taken aback. Since there are such weird things in the Ten Sects, then they Shouldn't you hide away?

If he guessed correctly, Qing Cang wanted to use the Phantom Core to consume Xiao Man's talent!

"If it were before, I would definitely not participate, and I would stay away. But now it's different." At this point, Luo Xiaoman looked at Kunlun on the side.

At this time, Kunlun was looking around curiously, full of curiosity about everything around him.

They walked on this national road, perhaps close to the bay, and the surrounding scenery has also changed.

At this moment, Kunlun suddenly stopped, his eyes locked on a fishing boat ahead.

"what is this?"

"Fishing boats can float on the sea with people."

"What is the sea?"

Kunlun frowned and looked at Luo Xiaoman suspiciously. The clear eyes looked like a child with a strong desire for knowledge.

"The sea is endless, sometimes calm, sometimes murderous, unpredictable." Luo Xiaoman frowned, trying to describe it in simple words, but she found that her words were poor, especially when she saw Kunlun's increasingly confused eyes , I know that this guy is getting more and more confusing.

"Hey, come with me." Luo Xiaoman sighed, grabbed Kunlun, and flew towards the coast ahead.

"Tsk tusk, how do I feel, our little ancestor brought a child?" Ji Yuanxun said with emotion as he watched Luo Xiaoman and Kunlun go away.

"You keep your voice down, if you let the little ancestor or Kunlun hear it, it will be enough for you to eat a pot." Fan Ma waited for him and reminded.

"Hey, don't worry, they are walking far away and can't hear you!"

"We heard it!"

At this moment, two people in cloaks came over.

"Who are you?!" Ji Yuanxun looked at these two people with a vigilant look, and said in a deep voice: "Okay, you dare to follow all the way, so brave!"

"It's not that we are courageous, but that your heart is too big!"

"Ouch, dare to refute us, you..."

Without waiting for Ji Yuanxun to start, Lan Xi raised his hand and stopped him. "Elder Ji, don't be impulsive, they don't look like enemies."

"Sect Master, they say that we are big-hearted, which is simply provoking us."

"But, we are really big-hearted."

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