The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 1705: How did you become such a ghost?

With a bang!

The evil general dodged dangerously and dangerously, let the claws hit the air, and landed on the ground, blowing up a piece of rubble.

"Shadow King, what have you done?!" Seeing the evil demon who had lost his sanity, the evil general roared angrily.

He had received news before that the King of Shadows had been waiting for opportunities to seize the power of Demon Lord!

At the beginning, he didn't care. After all, the power of Demon Lord was so powerful that it was not something that a shadow king could desecrate!

However, he never expected that the Shadow King would really succeed!

In order to seize the power of the Demon Lord, he arranged the Demon Devouring Soul Array, but the power could not be seized, instead he created such a terrifying monster.

The change of this fierce demon hasn't stopped yet, the aura on his body is so terrible, even the strongest in the demon world like the evil general feels an unspeakable pressure.

Suddenly, the fierce demon arched his body, and a pair of fleshy wings suddenly popped out on his back. The two horns on his head became stronger, and even the body originally composed of demon energy gradually developed muscles.

This is to be materialized!


The fierce demon violently spread his hands and screamed up to the sky, countless demonic energy surged out of his body, turned into countless little fierce demons, and flew out in all directions.

Seeing this, the evil general's mind tightened. These little fierce demons had no consciousness and only knew how to kill. If they ran out, they would ruin the entire demon world.


The evil general gritted his teeth and suddenly raised the black dragon spear and threw it into the sky.

Suddenly, the black dragon spear burst out with a dazzling light, opened an enchantment, and instantly enveloped this space.

With the appearance of this enchantment, these little fierce demons were stopped.

However, their fierceness has not diminished in the slightest, and they have continuously attacked the barrier.

The evil general's eyebrows were solemn, feeling the pressure of the enchantment feedback, and he had to make every effort to strengthen the enchantment.

However, in this way, he was unable to fight the evil demon in front of him.

The fierce demon's scarlet eyes rolled and landed on the evil general's body, then raised his hand and grabbed it sharply.


The evil general's pupils shrank, and his heart seemed to pause at this moment.

He doesn't mind dying in the hands of Demon Venerable, but the fierce demon in front of him is not Demon Venerable, but an irrational monster!

Once he dies, the entire demon world will fall into chaos!

Although there are still ten kings in the Demon Realm, these guys are selfish guys, and it is impossible to sacrifice their own interests in order to protect the Demon Realm.


At the moment when the sharp claw was about to pierce the evil general's heart, a white light shone, blocking this sharp claw of the evil demon.

"Yuan, how did you become such a ghost?"


The evil general was startled slightly, and saw a petite figure standing in the air.

Strangely, the claws of the fierce demon stopped one centimeter away from her and could no longer move forward.

"Roar!!" The fierce demon roared angrily, then retracted his claws, and stabbed at the petite person again.

This claw was extremely fierce, and the eruption of power shook the evil general back several steps, but it couldn't shake the petite figure.


With a soft drink, the claws that had been forward-moving stopped unexpectedly.

Suddenly, the fierce demon's chest was trembling constantly, as if something was about to break out.


The fierce demon screamed, and suddenly a figure flew out of his chest.

"Devil?!" Seeing this figure, the evil general was overjoyed and exclaimed excitedly: "Are you all right?!"

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