The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 1707: I just don’t bully others!

Seeing the evil general flying away with excitement on his face, Luo Xiaoman's heart sank slightly, and an unfavorable flow came out of his heart.

"Little Man." Mo Yuan turned around, his power instantly reduced, replaced by a touch of gentleness. "I may not be able to leave the demon world for the time being."


"I understand!" Luo Xiaoman nodded, smiled at Mo Yuan, and said: "You are the Demon Venerable, you must protect the Demon Realm."

Mo Yuan was startled slightly, looking at Luo Xiaoman's indifferent face, his heart ached inexplicably. "You don't blame me?"

"No! If you abandon your demon world for me, I will blame you!" Luo Xiaoman wrinkled his nose and hummed.

Luo Xiaoman's understanding and support made Mo Yuan very moved. He leaned over and put the little guy in his arms, trying to tell her with the temperature of his body that he had never changed.

"Xiaoman, wait for me! I will finish dealing with the demon world soon, and then I will find you."

"Yuan, you don't have to worry about me." Luo Xiaoman shook his head and said lightly: "Although you wake up and want to leave again, I am really upset, but you, as the demon sovereign, have things you must do."

She tightened Mo Yuan's waist, wishing to blend into this man's body.

"Remember, don't be aggressive, and don't abandon everyone who believes in you!"

"Yeah!" Mo Yuan nodded, just like she couldn't abandon the Luo family, her friends, and even everyone in Qinhuai City.

Today, whether it is Luo Xiaoman or Mo Yuan, they all understand a truth: the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility.

This is no longer a question of personal will, but a question of whether she is responsible.

If she did not take responsibility, it is estimated that these people would not choose to follow themselves.

I think that when she went through the Nine Heavens Tribulation, these guys were desperately guarding herself, how could she give up on them?

Mo Yuan looked at Luo Xiaoman deeply, and when he was emotional, he lightly pecked on the two red lips.

"wait for me!"

After saying these two words, his figure moved and flew towards the magic palace.

Seeing Mo Yuan's leaving back, Luo Xiaoman was full of melancholy, but this melancholy didn't stay long, and then gradually restrained.

Mo Yuan has things he must do, and she also has things he must do!

"Yuan, you have to hurry up." Luo Xiaoman took out the star marks and murmured: "I don't want to be alone, single-handedly against the entire ethereal world."

In the past, she faced the gods and Buddhas alone, but now, she would not do such a stupid thing.

Can fight in groups, never single out!

There was a hum.

The star mark in Luo Xiaoman's hand emitted a dazzling white light, and soon sent her out.

When Luo Xiaoman opened his eyes, he saw a handsome face, staring at her closely with a pair of worried eyes.

"Xiao Kun, why are you so close?"

"You suddenly disappeared and then appeared again. What happened?"

"It's okay."

Luo Xiaoman shook his head and smiled lightly: "Let's go back to Qinhuai City now!"

Kunlun tilted his head, don't know why, even though Luo Xiaoman was smiling, he felt sad inexplicably.

"Did someone bully you?" He frowned and said with a serious face: "I'll help you teach him."


Luo Xiaoman laughed, waved his hand quickly, and said helplessly: "Xiao Kun, do you think anyone else can bully me besides Immortal Realm and Demon Realm? I just don't bully others."

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