"Once the other party is dormant again, we will find the person again, I am afraid it will be more difficult.

Seeing Zitong's very determined look, Zhu Yingtian couldn't help feeling a little in a daze. The tone and courage of this woman were very similar to Xiaoman. They were like two foxes.

Thinking of this, he felt relieved inexplicably.

"Okay!" Zhu Yingtian breathed a sigh of relief, staring at Zitong with scorching eyes, "We will fully cooperate with you, please be sure to extract these inner ghosts."

Zitong nodded. She came back this time not for Qinhuai City, but for Luo Xiaoman.

Although she had a holiday with Luo Xiaoman, they were all things in the past, and now that she can live again, it's a lot to thank Luo Xiaoman.

It was her who gave herself freedom.

Zitong retracted his thoughts, rearranged his clues, and said: "We have to do two things now. First, determine who our opponent is? Second, determine how many inner ghosts there are in Qinhuai City?"

"It's easy!" Ji Wuya smiled, and said lightly: "We will bring Xu Ming back, and we will find out after asking! He is the city guard only after Xie Nian attacked the city, plus his attitude just now Suspicious, definitely an inner ghost."

"Okay, I'm going to arrest people."

"Wait!" Without waiting for Zhu Ying to leave, Zitong called him down. "We're going now, just to stun the snake. We must pick out all the people without disturbing the other party."

Everyone is dumbfounded!

The original three days was difficult enough, but now it is too difficult to find people quietly, right?

"Zitong, did you deliberately?" Zhu Yingtian frowned and smiled bitterly: "You deliberately added difficulty to yourself!"

Zitong shrugged, and said dismissively: "Who knows. What's more, sometimes the more suspicious a person is, the less suspicious it is."

Ji Wuya was startled slightly, and then said, "You mean Xu Ming is not a ghost?"

"His Royal Highness, you are going to investigate secretly now, how many people have settled in Qinhuai City and how many have entered the city guard after Xie Nian attacked the city."

"it is good!"

Zitong arranged some more things and came out of the palace.

Seeing the people coming and going on the street, she unconsciously lowered the brim of her hat, for fear that her ugly face would be seen.

Although she crawled out of **** and lived in this world again, she was only with endless loneliness.

Since leaving last time, she has been to many places, met many people, and tried to contact people.

However, whenever these people saw her face, they basically fled away, leaving them alone.

"Luo Xiaoman, this is the last thing I did for you." Zitong muttered to himself, but there was no divine light in his eyes.

Unconsciously, Zitong walked to a base near the formation.

This formation is very large, with solemn guards arranged around it to prevent suspicious people from approaching.

"You? Be careful!" At this time, a loud voice sounded, attracting Zitong's attention. She looked over and saw a young man with a beard and two dark circles under his eyes, who was directing a group of city guards to install an important part. "This is the core of the formation. If it is installed incorrectly, the entire Qinhuai City will be over."

Luo Qinghen?

Zitong blinked and looked at the rough boy with a puzzled face.

If it weren't for his gleaming eyes and hot flames, this would really look like a rough man!

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