Ah! Zhu Ying sneered in her heart, Zitong said right, the other party really penetrated Qinhuai City!

He swept a circle of many people, his eyes dimmed, and he didn't know how many people from each other were hiding in these people.

It is these people who are concealing evil intentions that are fanning the flames that can inspire so many people to attack the city guards indiscriminately.

"Prince, the situation is not so good." Zhu Changsheng walked over and said in a low voice: "Now these people are asking us to deal with those city guards. According to the current situation, I am afraid it will not last three days."

Zhu Ying nodded and said, "Brother Emperor, you have worked hard."

After speaking, he said loudly to everyone: "Listen well! Whether it is the royal family or the common people, they are all members of Qinhuai City. Anyone who attempts to disrupt the harmonious atmosphere of Qinhuai City will be punished as treason."

There was a lot of discussion, and they were very disdainful of Zhu Ying's remarks.

"His Royal Highness, you are basically a double standard." The thin man stood up and said with gloomy eyes: "Aren't those city guards destroying the atmosphere of Qinhuai City? Why don't you deal with them? Do our people play like monkeys?"

"Yes! The imperial court is unfair, protect the dregs, and destroy my home!"

For a time, everyone cried out again.

Zhu Ying's eyebrows were tightly furrowed, and an aura on her body exploded again, pressing heavily on the people, causing them to close their mouths immediately.

"Heh, your Royal Highness, you can only use force to suppress you if you are wrong?" The thin man continued to chatter, inciting everyone's emotions. "Don't forget, we are all people who have experienced the danger of destroying the city several times. Qinhuai City is our home. Even if it is you, you want to use force to make us succumb!"

Zhu Ying stared at the man angrily, looked at his ugly face, and wished to crush these guys' necks immediately.

However, he knew he could not do this, otherwise this contradiction would not be solved, and Qinhuai City would fall into chaos.

He took a deep breath, calmed the anger in his heart, and said: "Please give me three days. During these three days, I will find out the details of the city guards, find out the ins and outs, and give you another one. Confess."

"No!" The man stared at Zhu Ying's power and shouted: "You must be delaying time and find a way to exonerate those city guards. Although these city guards are nothing to your royal family. , But your royal family wants face!"

"After all, these city guards are doing such a thing under your nose, undoubtedly it is to face your royal family!"

"What are you talking about!?" Zhu Changsheng's pupils shrank, raised his hand to grab, and took out the Silver Dragon Spear, pretending to kill the man.

"Brother Emperor!" Zhu Ying raised her hand and stopped him. "Don't act rashly!"

Zhu Changsheng held the Yinlong spear tightly, hummed coldly, and retreated to the back.

Even he could see that this man was simply instigating the relationship between the royal family and the people.

This is definitely the inner ghost arranged by the other party!

Zhu Ying squinted his eyes, and there was a hint of danger in his eyes. If it were not for the overall situation, he would really kill this guy.

He had seen all kinds of ridicule in the eyes of the other party, and even thought that the other party was just to stimulate him, and then killed him.

Once this guy dies, the anger of the people will erupt completely!

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