The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 1741: A bit of a funny comparison of IQ!

"Scared?" Zitong curled her lips. Although she is not a ghost, but this body also contains the evil spirit in the body, what is the difference between it and the ghost?

It is estimated that the only difference is that she was once a human!

"No!" Luo Qinghen shook his head, looking at Zitong with a serious look, as if to see through the face hidden under the hood with that hot gaze. "I just want to make sure that you are not the enemy?"

Zitong was startled slightly, then shook his head and said, "No!"

"Huh-" Luo Qinghen could not help but breathe a sigh of relief when he heard this answer, and said with a smile: "Let me just say, how can someone who dares to save my life be an enemy?"

"Also, the reason why you rushed out of Qinhuai City, should you deliberately draw these people out?"

Zitong raised his eyes slightly, looked at Luo Qinghen in astonishment, and said in disbelief: "Did you see it?"

"Hey, don't you think that I only care about refining tools all day long, and don't know how to calculate. After all, I am Xiaoman's second brother, so why should I have a few thoughts?"

Seeing a confident smile on Luo Qinghen's face, Zitong felt that he had to re-examine this funny comparison!

He should be a funny comparison with a bit of IQ!

Luo Qinghen: Hey, what kind of reexamination do you call this? Isn't this still funny?

"Haha!" At this moment, a burly man walked out, with a strong aura, like a wave, surging towards Luo Qinghen and Zitong. "It seems that if you want to kill you, you have to do it yourself!"

"Which green onion are you?" Luo Qinghen frowned, snapped his fingers, and said, "Da Hei, bite him!"

Suddenly, Da Hei whimpered and flew towards the man.

"Huh, what can I do with a mere combat puppet?" The man didn't even look at Da Hei, and his body lit up with sharp lights, and shot towards Da Hei.

These Li Mangs contained astonishing power, hitting Da Hei's body, and the burst of strength directly shook it away!

"So strong?!" Luo Qinghen's eyes widened, staring at this man in amazement.

"He is still in the vain period!" Zitong said with a calm eyes, "It seems that we are inevitable a fierce battle!"

"Is it still empty?!" Luo Qinghen's mind tightened, and it was still empty, but it was much stronger than the god-changing stage. It's no wonder that Da Hei could hardly hold a move against this guy.

"Hahaha, good eyesight!" The man squinted Zitong and said quietly: "Originally we didn't expect Luo Qinghen to run out, but now it gives us a good opportunity."

"You are so sure that you can kill us?" Zitong narrowed his eyes and stared at the man coldly. "If we survive, your plan will probably be exposed!"

"Since I have stood up, then you must die!" The man's eyes flashed, his aura became violent, and three light wheels appeared!

Seeing these three light wheels, Luo Qinghen took a breath. "Three layers of vain period?"

"Take it to death!" The man didn't talk nonsense, he moved and killed Chao Luo Qinghen. He squeezed a force in his hand and struck out abruptly.

Suddenly, the condensed power exploded and turned into countless sharp lights, which flew towards Luo Qinghen.

"Luo Er Young Master, you are hiding behind me!" Zitong yelled, and greeted him, the evil spirit on his body surging out like a black cloud.

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