The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 1746: Just to pay back the favor!

"Inner ghost?" Luo Qinghen frowned. He focused on refining tools. No matter other things, naturally he didn't know the current situation in Qinhuai City, which was already very serious. "Are they from the Four Kingdoms?"

"No!" Zitong shook his head and said solemnly: "Siguo, there is no such courage yet!"

"It's not the Four Kingdoms, who is it?" Luo Qinghen scratched his head and thought hard, but without a clue, he gave up. "Follow him, anyway, the idea of ​​trying to fight a floating city is to die!"

"But, it's you who are dead now!" At this moment, Wu Yun's figure moved and rushed up quickly. He doesn't want to drag it anymore, so as not to sprawl. After all, Luo Qinghen has many magic weapons. Who knows if there is a magic weapon more terrifying than the human cannon?


With a roar, General Dahei immediately changed from the form of a cannon on the earth to a fighting state, facing Wu Yun.

"Get out!" Wu Yun shouted violently, and suddenly raised his hand, shaking General Dahei out.

"Luo Qinghen, you hide!!" Zitong's eyes dazzled, and he stood in front of him and said in a deep voice, "I'll contain him, you quickly withdraw to Qinhuai City!"

"Impossible!" Luo Qinghen shook his head and said stubbornly: "I can't let you face this guy alone!"

"Don't talk nonsense!" Zitong squinted at him and said anxiously: "If Luo Xiaoman is there, she will definitely rush back as soon as possible!"

"Xiaoman?" Luo Qinghen was startled slightly, and said in doubt: "Do you know Xiaoman?"

Zitong felt helpless. When is this guy still in the mood to struggle with this. Suddenly, she ignored the answer, and immediately greeted Wu Yun!

With a bang!

The evil spirit on her body was released violently, and the dog of **** next to Yan Wei also cooperated to release the evil evil spirit, and rushed towards Wu Yun frantically.

In Zitong's eyes, a decisive divine light flashed.

When she came back, she didn't think about living, but she owed Luo Xiaoman's favor, and she had to pay it back.

She believed that as long as Luo Qinghen returned to Qinhuai City safely, the other party's painstaking arrangement would be broken by her own arrangement, and Luo Xiaoman's love would be returned!

"Yin bite!!"

Following Zitong's low drink, she was surrounded by evil spirits and turned into a ferocious beast, lying on Yanwei's back and rushing forward strongly.

"Hmph, overwhelming!" Wu Yun snorted coldly, raised his hand to grab, and grabbed a sharp sword in his hand. "Broken!"

The voice fell, the sword surged, and the sharp sword light seemed to cut the space, revealing an aura of destruction.

"What!?" Zitong's pupils shrank, and the evil spirits surrounding him were all shattered, and the body was exposed under the sword light.

The stabbing of this sword would definitely crush her body.

However, she didn't have a trace of fear for the upcoming destruction. The only regret was that she couldn't repay Luo Xiaoman's favor.

"Don't want to hurt my brother!!" At this moment, there was a burst of violence, and I saw a silly boy flying over with an iron lump, blocking Zitong's front.

Boom, puff!

With a muffled sound, Wu Yun's sharp sword pierced the body of the second generation of the general and also pierced the body of Luo Qinghen.

"You, why?!" Zitong widened his eyes and looked at Luo Qinghen in amazement. Even if this guy was stabbed, there was still a faint smile on his mouth.

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