The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 1757: The big fish is hooked!

"Hmph, you are very self-aware!" Lieutenant Liu curled his lips and looked at Zitong mockingly.

"But..." Suddenly, Zitong's words changed, and he looked at Lieutenant Liu mockingly in turn, and said: "I have arranged everything, even if I die, someone will pick out the spies of the Black Scorpion Kingdom. So No matter how your Black Scorpion Nation struggles, from the moment you are exposed, you are doomed to fail!"

"Impossible!" Lieutenant General Liu was stunned, not believing that Zitong could really get this far.

"Then you can try!" Zitong's eyes drenched, and said domineeringly: "For this, I can bet on the name Zitong with you!"

Lieutenant Liu's mind trembled, and he was shocked by Zitong's aura!

He looked at this hideous, ugly woman with a look of horror. Facing her, he felt like facing Princess Xiaoman!


Like Princess Xiaoman, she is thoughtful and cunning!

If this is the case, what Zitong said may be true. After all, the opponent they fear most is Luo Xiaoman!

"The prince, let's do it!!" Zitong stood up and yelled. "Kill me, save the prince!"

"No way!!" Luo Qinghen stood up, stood in front of Zitong, and said in a deep voice, "If you want to kill, just kill me!"

"Brother Emperor, don't worry about me!" Zhu Ying stared at Zhu Changsheng, and said hoarsely: "Even if Lieutenant Liu killed me, you still look at Zhu Yanguo, don't you? But once Zitong dies, Zhu Yanguo is It's really going to be destroyed!"

"Ah!!!" Zhu Changsheng held his head in both hands and screamed in pain. He is now facing an extremely difficult choice, one is blood relatives, and the other is Zhu Yanguo's future.

Even Xu Ming, who was next to him, could feel Zhu Changsheng's pain and struggle!

Suddenly, Lieutenant Liu threw Zhu Ying at Zhu Changsheng abruptly, then swung his spear and stabbed towards Zitong. "Give me, die!!"

His shot is unmatched, but it contains all his power!

"Zitong!!!" Luo Qinghen was shocked, unexpectedly Liu Fu would abandon Zhu Ying and turn to Zitong. Suddenly, his thoughts moved, and the cannon fodder squad emerged and rushed on frantically.

At the same time, Da Hei and the second generation of Generals also welcomed the past.

For a time, they formed a strong line of defense and wanted to stop Deputy Liu.


Behind Lieutenant General Liu, a light wheel appeared, and the eruption of power instantly shook the cannon fodder squad away.

At the same time, the sharpness of the spear will force Dahei and the second generation of the general to open.



Luo Qinghen was stunned and watched Lieutenant General Liu's spear pierce Zitong's body. However, Zitong's body did not splash a drop of blood.

"Hehe, kill you, there will be no obstacles to our plan!" Lieutenant General Liu's eyes flashed with crazy colors, even if he is dead now, there is no regret.

Suddenly, his pupils shrank, and Zitong's lips rose slightly, revealing a faint smile. "Big fish, finally got the bait!"

"What?!" Lieutenant General Liu widened his eyes, looking at Zitong in horror.

"Sorry, I'm not a human being!" Zitong grabbed Lieutenant General Liu's spear and said coldly: "No matter if you pierce a few more holes, I won't die."

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