The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 1760: It's all messed up!

The city citizens rushed into the city guards frantically, taking up various weapons in their hands, and killing them.

They don't know how this handy weapon came, they just vent their anger at the city guard in front of them!

The city guards didn't fight back at first, but as several city guards fell to the ground, their eyes were completely red, and they pulled out their swords to fight back.

Soon, Qinhuai City fell into chaos, and the battle between the city guards and the city residents made the once happy land stained with blood.


"General Qi, why is it so anxious?"

Zhu Yingtian saw him look flustered, and couldn't help asking suspiciously.

"The emperor, now there is a conflict between the guards and the citizens of Qinhuai City, causing numerous casualties. Please order the suppression of the riot immediately!"


Zhu Yingtian snorted and stood up, with a look of shock on his tough face. "Didn't the prince calm the citizens, why is there still a riot?"

"Those city guards don't know who sent Qinhuai City. A city citizen here was killed by the wrong hand by the city guard, which led to this riot."

Hearing this, Zhu Yingtian's heart twitched, he knew that the other party had already begun to do it!

Unexpectedly, it hasn't been three days, the other party can't wait to take action against Qinhuai City. If this riot is not handled properly, I am afraid that Qinhuai City will be destroyed!

"The emperor, we must make a decision!" General Qi frowned and said solemnly.

Zhu Yingtian pondered. He knew what General Qi meant. Either he chose to support the city guards or the city people, but no matter which side he chose, it was not the result he wanted!

"Where is the prince?" He asked in a deep voice.

"The prince and the eldest prince left Qinhuai City not long ago, and they haven't come back yet!" General Qi replied.

"The emperor!!" At this moment, an **** rushed over and said with a flustered expression: "The residences of the ministers are being destroyed by the city people!"

Zhu Yingtian's pupils shrank, and his heart was dark. The other party was really ruthless enough to actually act on the court ministers. This was to completely arouse the contradiction between the royal family and the city residents, so that they had no room for change.

"The emperor, please make a decision!" General Qi knew the stakes here, no matter which side he stood, Qinhuai City would suffer a heavy blow.

The only thing they can do is to weigh the pros and cons and choose the party with the least loss.

Zhu Yingtian closed his eyes, took a deep breath, then opened his eyes suddenly, waved his hand, and said loudly: "Suppress the riots and arrest all the troublemakers!"

"Leading!" General Qi clasped his fists, understanding Zhu Yingtian's decision.

As an emperor, you must have the courage to endure the infamy, otherwise you will never stand in this position!

Looking at General Qi's back, Zhu Yingtian sighed quietly and muttered: "I hope this decision of mine is correct!"

Soon, General Qi led the Imperial Guard and rushed to the scene.

"All the soldiers obeyed the order and arrested all the rioters, dare to resist and kill without mercy!"


For a time, the Guards used the means of Thunder to arrest these rioting city residents. However, the citizens of the city are also people who have experienced strong winds and waves. Faced with the thunderous methods of the Imperial Guard, they were not afraid of death one by one, taking up the weapons in their hands and dealing with them.

The originally harmonious Qinhuai City was completely messed up into a pot of porridge.

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