Zitong raised his eyes slightly, and his cold eyes seemed to pass through everyone's hearts through his hood.

"I'll make an assumption. If you keep on fighting, the end result will be that you and the royal family will suffer both, and the city of Qinhuai will change from a city of hope to a city of decadence."

Her voice was not loud, but it struck everyone's heart heavily. "The floating city you have been looking forward to will never appear."

"At that time, the behind-the-scenes planners who planned this layout will lead their own troops and drive straight ahead to turn Qinhuai City into their own territory.

Under the beating of her words, everyone's minds became tense, and it seemed that they suddenly realized.

They all say that the authorities are fans, they only now understand the true meaning of these four words.

Seeing that everyone is fighting, they feel that this is a just thing, so they can't help but join in. It seems that if they don't follow together, they are deviant and out of the ordinary!

After thinking about this, they couldn't help being afraid for a while. If they were really indiscriminate and forced the royal family to use high-pressure methods, they would only lose out in the end.

At that time, it will only be cheap and hidden behind the people who plan all this.

"Actually, you can't be blamed for this." Zitong's voice, like magic, can calm everyone's flustered hearts. "You also care about Qinhuai City too much. You really regard it as your home, so you will defend it so hard."

"To put it simply, you are only doing such a stupid thing by being taken advantage of by your kindness."

"Absurd!" At this moment, the man stood up and retorted: "You must be someone from the royal family? Having said so much, isn't it just to protect the city guards..."

Before he could finish speaking, Zitong raised his hand and saw that three city guards were taken out by Zhu Changsheng.

When everyone saw these three city guards, they couldn't help being stunned.

"Don't you want an explanation?" Zhu Changsheng glanced at the crowd fiercely, then drew a knife. The dazzling blade seemed to dazzle everyone's eyes. "I will give you an explanation now!"


Zhu Changsheng raised the knife in his hand and chopped off the heads of the three city guards.

Seeing this thunderous method, everyone was shocked!

"The prince, what are you doing!?" At this time, General Qi stood up and said angrily: "You killed them, wouldn't you be afraid of chilling other people's hearts?"

For a moment, the other city guards stared at Zhu Changsheng closely, with an angry expression in their eyes.

The reason why they have become city guards to protect their homes and the country is to protect their homes and let their families have a place to live and work in peace and contentment.

However, this does not mean that their lives can be manipulated by the royal family at will!

"The prince did a good job!! We served!!" For a while, the city people cheered and cheered for Zhu Changsheng's thunderous methods.

However, the eyes of the city guards became more fierce, like wolfs about to pounce on them.

"Haha, the prince, you are now giving an explanation to the city people. However, you owe an explanation to our city guards!" General Qi said coldly.

"Explain?" Zhu Changsheng glanced at General Qi, and said calmly: "What I killed was just the inner ghost that brought trouble to Qinhuai City!"

"Absurd! Their identities are innocent, and they can never be ghosts!" General Qi was taken aback, and then he strictly denied Zhu Changsheng's statement.

"Is it an inner ghost? Just see if they have a black scorpion tattoo on their left chest." Zitong walked out, posing a gesture to open the collar of a fallen city guard.

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