"Please cooperate!"

Everyone is not a fool!

They have become increasingly aware that this is a conspiracy, and they have been used as pawns.

"Don't come here!" The man knew he couldn't escape, so he gritted his teeth, took out a long sword, and pointed at everyone.

Although he couldn't escape, he felt that he had an extra sword in his hand, and he could feel more secure.

At this moment, a group of black shadows rushed up, lying on the man's body.

"Ah! What is it!"


In a short while, the man's clothes were all torn to pieces by the cannon fodder, exposing his scarred arm, and a black scorpion tattoo on his left chest caught everyone's eyes firmly.

Zitong glanced at Luo Qinghen and smiled at him slightly. This cannon fodder squad was quite useful.

Luo Qinghen touched his nose triumphantly, as if his appreciation for Zitong was very useful.

"Well, you spy! No wonder you booed so vigorously just now that you were using us as guns!"

"Damn it! Kill him!!"

For a while, everyone rushed towards the man.

The man exclaimed and was overwhelmed by the crowd, and a scream rang out, irritating everyone's eardrums.

Luo Qinghen shook his head and sighed secretly in his heart. It seemed that this man's fate was more miserable than imagined!

As the man was arrested, everyone began to doubt each other.

After all, there are more than these spies in the Black Scorpion Kingdom, and some are even hidden in them. It's just that if people are randomly identified as spies before confirmation, I'm afraid it will cause even greater confusion!

"Haha, I understand." General Qi sneered, staring fiercely at Zitong. "You are the biggest ghost in the Black Scorpion Kingdom!"

"What are you talking about!?" Luo Qinghen stood up, stood in front of Zitong, and said fiercely, "She is ours!"

"Master Luo Er, haven't you noticed it?" General Qi frowned, and said solemnly: "The original conflict between the city guards and the city residents was just a conflict of positions. However, it has now evolved into a conflict between everyone. conflict."

"Among us, I don't know who is the inner ghost, who is worthy of trust. Under such suspicion, our hearts will be messed up!"

"Once the hearts of the people are disturbed, they are not far from subjugation!"

"You make a lot of sense." Zitong nodded, not caring about the slander of General Qi. "It's just that this is based on the premise that we don't know who the inner ghost is."

"Do you know which ghosts here are?" General Qi's mind trembled and asked in surprise.

"Not bad!" Zitong hooked his lips, snapped his fingers, and said: "He will prove to me which ghosts are!"

Suddenly, everyone looked in the direction of the city gate, and saw a tall and tall figure slowly walking over.

When this figure was completely exposed in front of everyone, they couldn't help showing a look of surprise. Isn't this the right-hand man of His Royal Highness, Lieutenant General Liu?

Lieutenant Liu was shirtless, with a black scorpion tattoo on his left chest. His eyes were unusually bright, and his expression was dull, as if he had been controlled.

"Vice-General Liu, betrayed Zhu Yanguo and defected to the Black Scorpion Nation. Therefore, he also got a black scorpion tattoo on his left chest." Zitong said lightly, "Moreover, he is also one of the people in charge of this layout."

General Qi's eyebrows were solemn, and he couldn't help but glance at Zhu Ying, only to see a touch of bitterness on his face.

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