"Xu Chengwei, the old man understands." General Qi shook his head, a touch of determination appeared on his face. "In the face of so-called evidence, any explanation is a sophistry!"

"Get it for me!" As Zhu Changsheng fell, Xu Ming and the other city guards rushed up together.

General Qi's strength was originally in the transformation stage, but now that the three realms and six realms merge, it is already at the second level of the virtual stage, they dare not be careless.

However, General Qi was dumbfounded and had no intention of resisting at all.

"Wait!" At this moment, Zitong's figure moved, raised his hand to pinch the tip of Xu Ming's sword, and said lightly: "Have I said that General Qi is a ghost?"


Everyone is dumbfounded!

You said that just now. Didn’t it mean that General Qi was a ghost?

"Zitong, what the **** is going on?" Luo Qinghen scratched his head, looking at her dumbfounded.

The twists and turns made him stunned!

"In fact, apart from the identities of these inner ghosts, Lieutenant General Liu didn't have the information of another person in charge. It should be that they had contacted them through information jade symbols for the sake of caution and they had never met each other.

"Then you don't know who is the other person in charge?" Luo Qinghen blinked his eyes. So, this General Qi is really innocent?

"Unreasonable!!" General Qi saw that Zitong had no evidence to prove that he was an inner ghost, and he was suddenly furious. "If you have no evidence, just label the old man indiscriminately. The old man will kill you!"

"Dare you!" Luo Qinghen's eyes sank, and the cannon fodder death squad and General Dahei immediately stood up and confronted General Qi who was above him.

Seeing this formation, General Qi fainted instantly!

Dare not dare!

Who dares to provoke your Luo family!

"General Qi, I never said that you are a ghost, but you have taken the seat by yourself!" Zitong shrugged and said mercilessly.

General Qi's expression became stiff, and after thinking about it carefully, it seemed like this was the case?

At that time, an individual thought he was a ghost, but he also thought that Zitong could buckle the **** plate.

"Then you say, who is the other person in charge?"

"do not know!"


Everyone was startled again, looking at Zitong blankly.

"Are you kidding us?" General Qi really wanted to give this girl a slap, but Luo Qinghen, who was next to him, stared at him and would never give him this opportunity.

Although he is still in the vain period, it is estimated that he hasn't done it yet, and the Luo family will all kill them and take their own skin!

"However, I already knew it just now." Zitong said, looking at the opposite Xu Ming through the pinched tip of the sword.

The eyes of everyone followed her.

It's just that they had no urge this time, waiting for her final decision.

"Xu Chengwei, good acting!" Zitong curled the corners of her lips and smiled lightly: "Even me, I was almost fooled by you!"

"Hehe, Zitong, you're joking, aren't you?" Xu Ming's mouth twitched, and he chuckled, "Didn't I have verified it, isn't it a ghost?"

"Who confirmed it?" Zitong smiled playfully and said jokingly: "To tell you frankly, even if you let you cooperate with the acting, I am observing you and doubting you. Until just now, I confirmed that you are the other person in charge.

Xu Ming's expression was stiff, his eyes flashed with surprise.

"If I'm not mistaken, you arranged this round."

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