The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 1775: Floating in the air, watching the world

"Luo Qinghen, are you an idiot?"


Luo Qinghen was stunned!

He scratched his head and looked at Zitong blankly. "Although I am a little funny, I am not an idiot, am I? Is it because I have been busy these days and feel a little faint?"

Zitong raised his hand and held his forehead, too lazy to talk nonsense with this guy, and then his figure moved and went away.

"Hey, Zitong, why did you leave?" Luo Qinghen looked at Zitong who was going away, feeling very depressed. "Should I really take a break?"

However, when he thought that the floating city had reached a critical moment, he shivered suddenly. "No, it's just a little bit, the floating city can be launched, even if you become an idiot, you must survive to the last minute!"

Three days later.

With a huge roar, the entire Qinhuai City trembled.

However, everyone in the city didn't panic, but looked hot and full of expectations.

They know that this is the most important moment in their lives, even if it is getting married and having children!


With a loud roar, the tall pillars that originally stood in the six directions of Qinhuai City slowly climbed up, pulling the entire Qinhuai City up with thick fine iron chains.

"Launch off!!"

With Zhu Ying's loud shout, everyone cheered, especially every city guard, embracing each other with excitement.

In order to build a floating city, they spent their nights and meals, and worked hard for nearly a month, and now they can finally see this miraculous city floating in the air, and the excitement in their hearts is beyond words!


Finally, under the traction of six high pillars, Qinhuai City rose from the ground, suspended in mid-air, emitting a dazzling light.

At the same time, solid barriers rose up one by one, protecting the entire Qinhuai City. The powerful defenses spread out, aiming at all directions, making anyone who dares to offend the holy city intimidated.

Especially, the eight human cannons and the dark hole are the abyss of the enemy. One shot out can turn everything into nothingness.

At this moment, a group of figures rose into the sky, floating above Qinhuai City.

They were condescending, watching Qinhuai City floating between the sky and the earth, and they couldn't help releasing their power and cheering for the emergence of the floating city.

"Xiaoman, it succeeded!!" Luo Qinghen said with tears in his eyes with excitement, while wiping his nose, "After 20 days of fighting, I finally let the floating city come out ahead of schedule!"

"Second brother, thank you." Luo Xiaoman turned around, smiled at Luo Qinghen, and said: "You are the hero of the floating city!"

"Hahahaha!!" Luo Qinghen laughed loudly, venting all the excitement in his heart. Perhaps because of his infection, everyone laughed loudly.

They seem to be able to see the floating city, a scene of deterrence from all directions, the six nations will surrender to the power of the floating city.

At the same time, the frontiers of Hongnan Kingdom, Shi Mingguo, Shuiqing Kingdom, and Feiyun Kingdom also rose one after another.

These high pillars connect their national fortunes and provide a steady stream of power for the floating city.

It's a pity that they don't even know the deep meaning of this, they will only keep a distance from Zhu Yanguo and dare not easily provoke them.

"Hahaha, as soon as I floated out, I looked at the world!!" Luo Qinghen screamed, but his body suddenly softened and fell down.

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