For a while, everyone around laughed.

They looked at the little girl, dressed in red with full **** and embroidered with a phoenix on the head of the skirt. The pattern was simple and elegant, and she looked very cute and delicate.

However, it was such a pretty girl who actually said that she was invited to participate in the battle of cutting the immortals, and they didn't believe that she was killed.

You know, they have a lot of powerful people here, and few can be invited to participate in the Battle of Slashing Immortals!

"You can find Qiang Wenting and Qiang Wenyi to check my identity." Luo Xiaoman said neither humble nor humble.

When the general heard these two names, the smile on his face instantly converged, and he looked at Luo Xiaoman solemnly.

He saw Luo Xiaoman's expression calm, and the light in his eyes didn't flicker, as if he was stating a fact, which made his heart beat up.

"Wait a minute!"

"General Huang, don't you really think that this little girl is here to participate in the battle of slashing the immortals?" The people around saw the sudden change of General Huang's expression and couldn't help but joked.

"Hmph, you all cooperate with this general to verify your identities, otherwise you will all get out of this general!"

Suddenly, everyone did not dare to say anything, and silently cooperated with a few soldiers to verify their identities.

Soon, General Huang came to a camp.

"The prince, there will be something to do with you in the end!" He clasped his fists and said respectfully.


With permission, General Huang breathed a sigh of relief, raised his hand and pushed aside the camp, and walked in.

Inside the camp, a handsome man was sitting upright.

He has shiny armor, Junyi's face is tough, and there is a sullen air between his brows. He is obviously a cruel man who has been in and out of the battlefield for many years.

"The big prince, there is a little girl at the border crossing." General Huang clasped his fists and said respectfully: "She claims to have been invited to participate in the battle of killing immortals and knows the princess and the third prince!"

"Oh?" The man was startled slightly, raised his eyes and looked at General Huang, and said lightly: "What's her name?"

"Luo Xiaoman."

"Boom away!" The prince waved his hand and said coldly: "This prince has never heard of this name. He must be trying to covet the resources of the Central Plains under the guise of participating in the Battle of Immortals."

"Yes!" With the confirmation of the eldest prince, General Huang also dispelled the doubts in his heart, clasped his fists, and walked out.

At this time, Luo Xiaoman was sitting on Da Bai's back, eating lollipops lazily, waiting for General Huang's return.

While waiting, she suffered a lot of people's eyes and ridicule, believing that she came to fish in troubled waters.

"Little girl, I advise you to leave as soon as possible." At this moment, an old man came over and persuaded with all his heart: "The land of the Central Plains is a place where the strong gather, not a place where children can mess around. General Huang found out that what you just said is not true and will definitely arrest you!"

"Grandpa, thank you for your reminder." Luo Xiaoman smiled at the old man and said disapprovingly: "I believe General Huang will invite me in later."

"Oh, why are you so stubborn?" The old man shook his head and sighed, thinking that Luo Xiaoman was too childish. Does he really think that General Huang, who guards the realm, is so foolish?

"General Huang is back!" At this moment, everyone saw that General Huang was back, and the whole body was so imposing, they knew the situation was not good.

Even Luo Xiaoman noticed that General Huang's momentum was not right.

"General Huang, can I go in, please?" she asked tentatively.

"Go in?" General Huang curled his lips, then raised his hand abruptly, and said: "Come on, take this man down for me!"

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